The Shemwell Family

Genevieve V ShemwellAge: 89 years19192009

Genevieve V Shemwell
Given names
Genevieve V
Married name
Genevieve V Belote
Birth December 17, 1919 28 22
Death of a brotherNevil Shemwell
before 1920 (Age 15 days)

Census January 15, 1920 (Age 29 days)
Birth of a sisterEarleen Shemwell
April 27, 1924 (Age 4 years)
Census April 13, 1930 (Age 10 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherThomas McCammon McNutt
September 17, 1932 (Age 12 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherSarah Elizabeth Cromwell
November 21, 1933 (Age 13 years)
Birth of a sisterBetty Louise Shemwell
March 2, 1939 (Age 19 years)
Census April 11, 1940 (Age 20 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherHettie Louise Hathcock
July 28, 1941 (Age 21 years)
Note: Parents wrong on Death Certificate?
Birth of a son
Bernard Neal “Little Bill” Belote III
October 25, 1944 (Age 24 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherThomas Alonzo Shemwell
April 15, 1947 (Age 27 years)
Census April 1, 1950 (Age 30 years)
Death of a motherTommie Hobert McNutt
May 3, 1972 (Age 52 years)
Death of a fatherEarl Shemwell
June 10, 1975 (Age 55 years)
Death of a husbandBernard Neal “Bill” Belote Jr
October 2, 1996 (Age 76 years)
Death of a sisterBetty Louise Shemwell
June 22, 2000 (Age 80 years)
Death of a sisterHalla Mae Shemwell
May 28, 2003 (Age 83 years)
Death January 24, 2009 (Age 89 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Woodlawn Memorial Gardens
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: December 15, 1912Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States
11 months
elder brother
Uval Zelna Shemwell
Birth: October 31, 1913 22 15Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: January 25, 1914Graves, Kentucky, United States
elder brother
Nevil Shemwell
Birth: October 31, 1913 22 15Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: before 1920
4 years
elder sister
2 years
Genevieve V Shemwell
Birth: December 17, 1919 28 22Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: January 24, 2009Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States
4 years
younger sister
Earleen Shemwell
Birth: April 27, 1924 33 26Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: September 5, 2022Almo, Calloway, Kentucky, United States
15 years
younger sister
Betty Louise Shemwell
Birth: March 2, 1939 48 41Hickory Grove, Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: June 22, 2000Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States
Family with Bernard Neal “Bill” Belote Jr - View this family
Bernard Neal “Bill” Belote Jr
Birth: September 9, 1913Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: October 2, 1996Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States
Genevieve V Shemwell
Birth: December 17, 1919 28 22Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: January 24, 2009Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States
Bernard Neal “Little Bill” Belote III
Birth: October 25, 1944 31 24Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States
Death: February 22, 2010Southaven, DeSoto, Mississippi, United States

Genevieve V Shemwell has 53 first cousins recorded

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Earl Shemwell - Household

Panther Creek, Graves, Kentucky

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Shemwell, EarlheadMW29MKYKYKYFarmerGeneral Farm
Shemwell, HobertwifeFW22MKYKYKY
Shemwell, Halla MdaughterFW2-1mSKYKYKY
Shemwell, GenevievedaughterFW1mSKYKYKY

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Earl Shemwell - Household

340 East Park Boulevard Tallmadge, Summit, Ohio

Shemwell, EarlheadMW39M21KYKYKYCurerRubber
Shemwell, Tommie HwifeFW32M15KYKYKY
Shemwell, Halla MdaughterFW12SKYKYKY
Shemwell, GenevievedaughterFW10SKYKYKY
Shemwell, EarleendaughterFW5SKYKYKY

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Earl Shemwell - Household

Hickory Town Hickory Grove, Graves, Kentucky

Shemwell, EarlheadMW49MKYSame HouseLaborerClay Mine
Shemwell, Tommie HwifeFW42MKYSame House
Shemwell, GenevievedaughterFW20SKYSame HouseBundle BuilderMens Clothing Factory
Shemwell, EarleendaughterFW15SKYSame House
Shemwell, Betty LouisedaughterFW1SKY