The Shemwell Family

Elizabeth “Lizzie” CheekAge: 65 years18301895

Elizabeth “Lizzie” Cheek
Given names
Also known as
Elizabeth Black
Birth July 5, 1830
Birth of a son
Henry Hall Shemwell
July 22, 1854 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a daughter
Iowa Shemwell
March 12, 1860 (Age 29 years)
Census June 1, 1860 (Age 29 years)
Birth of a son
Dr. Joseph Wade “Joe” Shemwell
August 28, 1862 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a son
Thomas Dalin Shemwell
June 10, 1863 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Ann Shemwell
May 19, 1865 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a son
Rev. Roland W Shemwell
November 21, 1867 (Age 37 years)
Birth of a son
Rev. Martin Luther Shemwell
April 17, 1869 (Age 38 years)
Census June 1, 1870 (Age 39 years)
Charged by the Grand Jury-Lewdness
October 1, 1872 (Age 42 years)
Note: Charged by the Grand Jury, It was against the law in Tennessee for Whites to marry Native Americans, so this could be one reason Harris and Elizabeth never married.
Death of a husbandHarrison Higgs “Harry” Shemwell
October 1, 1878 (Age 48 years)
Census June 10, 1880 (Age 49 years)
Marriage of a childHenry Hall ShemwellMattie E ClinardView this family
October 15, 1884 (Age 54 years)
Birth of a grandson
Harris E Shemwell
August 16, 1885 (Age 55 years)

Birth of a grandson
Joseph H Shemwell
March 12, 1887 (Age 56 years)
Death of a grandsonHarris E Shemwell
June 13, 1887 (Age 56 years)

Birth of a granddaughter
Inez M Shemwell
June 1888 (Age 57 years)
Death of a grandsonJoseph H Shemwell
August 19, 1889 (Age 59 years)
Marriage of a childRev. Martin Luther ShemwellNannie CherryView this family
January 2, 1894 (Age 63 years)
Birth of a grandson
Bishop Wilson Shemwell
November 8, 1894 (Age 64 years)
Death October 20, 1895 (Age 65 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: McKinney Cemetery
Family with Harrison Higgs “Harry” Shemwell - View this family
6 years
Iowa Shemwell
Birth: March 12, 1860 52 29Stewart, Tennessee, United States
Death: September 1905Stewart, Tennessee, United States
3 years
9 months
Thomas Dalin Shemwell
Birth: June 10, 1863 56 32Tennessee, United States
Death: February 13, 1948Elkton, Todd, Kentucky, United States
23 months
Mary Ann Shemwell
Birth: May 19, 1865 58 34Stewart, Tennessee, United States
Death: August 26, 1936Big Rock, Stewart, Tennessee, United States
3 years
17 months
Rev. Martin Luther Shemwell
Birth: April 17, 1869 61 38Stewart, Tennessee, United States
Death: July 20, 1947Fulton, Callaway, Missouri, United States
Harrison Higgs “Harry” Shemwell + Martha Sinnot - View this family
husband’s wife
Marriage: February 1836
3 years
Elizabeth Shemwell
Birth: 1838 30 28New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Death: May 25, 1901New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States
3 years
Allen James Shemwell
Birth: 1840 32 30Louisiana, United States
Death: January 12, 1892Louisiana, United States
5 years
Frank H Shemwell
Birth: 1844 36 34New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Death: June 1, 1885
3 years
Mary Alice Shemwell
Birth: December 17, 1846 39 36New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Death: May 24, 1874New Orleans, Orleans, Louisiana, United States

No family available

Census1860 United States - Census transcript - Harrison Higgs Shemwell - Household

Dist. 3 Stewart, Tennessee, United States

Harris Shemwell54MWBrick masonKY
Elizabeth Black30FMTN
Henry Black6MWTN
Iowa Black3mFWTN

Census1870 United States - Census transcript - Harrison Higgs Shemwell - Household

Harrison Shemwell63MWFarmerKY
Elizabeth Shemwell39FWKeeping houseTN
Henry Shemwell15MWFarm HandTN
Iowa Shemwell10FWat homeTN
Joseph Shemwell8MWTN
Thomas Shemwell7MWTN
Mary Shemwell5FWTN
Roland Shemwell3MWTN
Luther Shemwell4MWTN

Charged by the Grand Jury-Lewdness
Charged by the Grand Jury, It was against the law in Tennessee for Whites to marry Native Americans, so this could be one reason Harris and Elizabeth never married.
Census1880 United States - Census transcript - Elizabeth Shemwell - Household

Dist. 4 Stewart, Tennessee, United States

Liz ShemwellWF49HeadM26Keeping HouseTNNCNC
Henry H ShemwellMuM25sonS-FarmerTNTNTN
Iowa ShemwellMuF20daughterS-TNTNTN
Joseph ShemwellMuM19sonS-TNTNTN
Thomas ShemwellMuM17sonS-TNTNTN
Mary S ShemwellMuF15daughterS-TNTNTN
Roland ShemwellMuM12sonS-TNKYTN
Martin L ShemwellMuM11sonS-TNKYTN

Notes: Enum Dist. 155