The Shemwell Family

Charles Scott HollandAge: 86 years18801967

Charles Scott Holland
Given names
Charles Scott
Birth December 10, 1880 25 19
Birth of a brotherWilliam Franklin Holland
December 14, 1883 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterSydney Elizabeth Holland
July 29, 1887 (Age 6 years)
Birth of a sisterSankey Bliss Holland
February 16, 1891 (Age 10 years)
Death of a sisterSankey Bliss Holland
November 5, 1892 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a sisterEtta E Holland
January 20, 1895 (Age 14 years)
Birth of a sisterDorothy H “Dottie” Holland
August 15, 1898 (Age 17 years)
Census June 29, 1900 (Age 19 years)
MarriageMartha Lena DuncanView this family
September 8, 1900 (Age 19 years)
Birth of a daughter
Clara Belle Holland
February 1, 1903 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a son
Paul Pennington Holland
March 12, 1905 (Age 24 years)
Birth of a son
Charles Hubert Holland
February 26, 1910 (Age 29 years)
Census May 10, 1910 (Age 29 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherDaniel Spencer Logan
July 19, 1910 (Age 29 years)
Death of a maternal grandmotherSydney Ann Anderson
December 25, 1910 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a daughter
Laura Marie Holland
April 22, 1915 (Age 34 years)
Census January 5, 1920 (Age 39 years)
Marriage of a childCecil Cline FarnsworthClara Belle HollandView this family
April 30, 1921 (Age 40 years)
Birth of a grandson
Glen Dean Farnsworth
December 18, 1923 (Age 43 years)
Birth of a grandson
William Richard Holland
January 4, 1929 (Age 48 years)
Census April 5, 1930 (Age 49 years)
Birth of a grandson
Charles Duane Farnsworth
November 7, 1930 (Age 49 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Betty Jean Holland
March 2, 1931 (Age 50 years)
Birth of a grandson
Robert Gene Holland
April 20, 1932 (Age 51 years)

Birth of a grandson
John W Holland
October 24, 1932 (Age 51 years)
Death of a fatherJohn Wesley Holland
April 26, 1936 (Age 55 years)
Birth of a grandson
Ronald E Holland
June 14, 1936 (Age 55 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Sandra Marie Farnsworth
August 22, 1937 (Age 56 years)
Census April 4, 1940 (Age 59 years)
Death of a wifeMartha Lena Duncan
December 22, 1941 (Age 61 years)
Birth of a grandson
Ralph Dean Holland
May 15, 1943 (Age 62 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Beverly Ann Holland
April 22, 1944 (Age 63 years)
Death of a motherLaura Anderson Logan
April 9, 1950 (Age 69 years)
Death of a brotherWilliam Franklin Holland
August 19, 1950 (Age 69 years)
before 1966 (Age 85 years)

Death of a sisterDorothy H “Dottie” Holland
January 9, 1966 (Age 85 years)
Death April 5, 1967 (Age 86 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Sugar Grove Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: August 29, 1878Marion, Illinois, United States
2 years
3 years
younger brother
William Franklin Holland
Birth: December 14, 1883 28 23Patoka, Marion, Illinois, United States
Death: August 19, 1950Bloomington, McLean, Illinois, United States
4 years
younger sister
Sydney Elizabeth Holland
Birth: July 29, 1887 32 26Patoka, Marion, Illinois, United States
Death: October 26, 1974Clinton, DeWitt, Illinois, United States
4 years
younger sister
Sankey Bliss Holland
Birth: February 16, 1891 35 30Patoka, Marion, Illinois, United States
Death: November 5, 1892Patoka, Marion, Illinois, United States
4 years
younger sister
Etta E Holland
Birth: January 20, 1895 39 34Illinois, United States
Death: March 31, 1990Lima, Delaware, Pennsylvania, United States
4 years
younger sister
Dorothy H “Dottie” Holland
Birth: August 15, 1898 43 37Patoka, Marion, Illinois, United States
Death: January 9, 1966Bloomington, McLean, Illinois, United States
Family with Martha Lena Duncan - View this family
Marriage: September 8, 1900Marion, Illinois, United States
2 years
2 years
5 years
Charles Hubert Holland
Birth: February 26, 1910 29 26Wapella, DeWitt, Illinois, United States
Death: July 6, 1978Washington, District of Columbia, United States
5 years
Laura Marie Holland
Birth: April 22, 1915 34 32Wapella, DeWitt, Illinois, United States
Death: July 16, 2005Normal, McLean, Illinois, United States

Charles Scott Holland has 0 first cousins recorded

Father's family (0)

Mother's family (0)

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - John Wesley Holland - Household

Holland, JohnheadWMMay185745M22KYKYKYFarm Laborer
Holland, Laura AwifeWFDec186039M2265ILILIL
Holland, Charles CsonWMDec188019SILKYILAt School
Holland, William FsonWMDec188316SILKYILAt School
Holland, Sydney EdaughterWFJul188712SILKYILAt School
Holland, Etta EdaughterWFJan18955SILKYIL
Holland, Dot HdaughterWFAug18981SILKYIL

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Charles Scott Holland - Household

Wapella, DeWitt, Illinois

Holland, CharlieheadMW29M18ILKYILLaborerElevator
Holland, MarthawifeFW27M1833KSOHOH
Holland, ClaradaughterFW7SILILKS
Holland, PaulsonMW5SILILKS
Holland, CharlessonMW2mSILILKS

Census1920 United States - Census transcript - Charles Scott Holland - Household

NameRelationHomeMortSexRaceAgeConditionImmNatNatYSchoolRWBPLangFBPFather langMBPMother langEngOccupationIndEmp
Holland, Charles SheadMW39MILKYILManagerGrain Elevators
Holland, MarthawifeFW37MILILIL
Holland, Clara BdaughterFW16SILILIL
Holland, Paul PsonMW14SILILIL
Holland, Charles HsonMW9SILILIL
Holland, Laura MdaughterFW4-8mSILILIL

Census1930 United States - Census transcript - Charles Scott Holland - Household

Wapella, DeWitt, Illinois

Holland, CharlieheadMW49M20ILKYILBroom Maker
Holland, MarthawifeFW47M18KSOHIL
Holland, CharlessonMW20SILILKSLaborerFarm
Holland, MariedaughterFW14SILILKS
Holland, Paul sonMW25M22ILILKSLaborerSectiion?
Holland, Marthadaughter in lawFW19M17KYKYKY
Holland, Williamgrand sonMW1-1mSILILKY

Census1940 United States - Census transcript - Charles Scott Holland - Household

Wapella, DeWitt, Illinois

Holland, Charles SheadMW59MILSame HouseForeman WPAProject No 40180
Holland, Martha LXwifeFW57MKSSame House
Holland, Charles HsonMW30DILSame HouseLaborerCommon