The Shemwell Family

Jeremiah Edward “Jerry” HollandAge: 78 years18591937

Jeremiah Edward “Jerry” Holland
Given names
Jeremiah Edward
Birth February 19, 1859 21 18
Census July 9, 1860 (Age 16 months)
Birth of a sisterGeorgie Ann “Tillie” Holland
1866 (Age 6 years)
Census July 19, 1870 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a sisterLou Retta Holland
about 1871 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a brotherJames F Holland
about 1874 (Age 14 years)
Birth of a daughter
Emma Holland
October 12, 1877 (Age 18 years)
MarriageHarriet TatumView this family
November 6, 1877 (Age 18 years)
Birth of a brotherKirby Smith Holland
March 9, 1879 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a daughter
Florence Holland
January 6, 1880 (Age 20 years)
Birth of a son
Alexander Hillman Holland
August 29, 1881 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ettie Lisbeth Holland
February 6, 1883 (Age 23 years)
Birth of a son
William Hickmon Holland
July 9, 1885 (Age 26 years)
Birth of a daughter
Cynthia Hattie Holland
June 10, 1888 (Age 29 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherJeremiah O “Jerry” Holland
June 17, 1888 (Age 29 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherAnn Shemwell
April 6, 1889 (Age 30 years)
Birth of a son
George Herman Holland
April 15, 1891 (Age 32 years)
Birth of a son
Otis Holland
December 6, 1893 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ina Macey Holland
July 6, 1896 (Age 37 years)
Marriage of a childErnest Taylor “Bud” BoleyEmma HollandView this family
November 26, 1896 (Age 37 years)
Death of a sisterGeorgie Ann “Tillie” Holland
about 1896 (Age 36 years)
Marriage of a childCharlie Shields SmithFlorence HollandView this family
January 1, 1899 (Age 39 years)
Census June 4, 1900 (Age 41 years)
Death of a motherEmily Phillips
August 1, 1906 (Age 47 years)
Marriage of a childEugene Lee DewIna Macey HollandView this family
December 24, 1912 (Age 53 years)
Marriage of a childOtis HollandBessie May GantView this family
1916 (Age 56 years)
Address: Gants Pond at a spring
Birth of a grandson
Orby Lee Holland
January 1, 1919 (Age 59 years)
Death of a brotherKirby Smith Holland
May 5, 1919 (Age 60 years)
Death of a fatherGeorge Martin Holland
April 4, 1923 (Age 64 years)
Cause: dysentery tuberculosis
Death of a sisterLou Retta Holland
July 6, 1924 (Age 65 years)
Cause: Tuberculosis
Death of a daughterCynthia Hattie Holland
December 21, 1935 (Age 76 years)
Death October 28, 1937 (Age 78 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Gant Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: March 15, 1858Elkton, Todd, Kentucky, United States
11 months
8 years
younger sister
6 years
younger sister
Lou Retta Holland
Birth: about 1871 33 30Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: July 6, 1924Springfield, Robertson, Tennessee, United States
4 years
younger brother
James F Holland
Birth: about 1874 36 33Gordonsville, Logan, Kentucky, United States
5 years
younger brother
Kirby Smith Holland
Birth: March 9, 1879 41 38Gordonsville, Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: May 5, 1919Logan, Kentucky, United States
Family with Harriet Tatum - View this family
Marriage: November 6, 1877Todd, Kentucky, United States
-1 months
Emma Holland
Birth: October 12, 1877 18 17Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: November 14, 1959Kentucky, United States
2 years
Florence Holland
Birth: January 6, 1880 20 19Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: November 26, 1947Logan, Kentucky, United States
20 months
Alexander Hillman Holland
Birth: August 29, 1881 22 21Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: June 3, 1942Logan, Kentucky, United States
12 years
Otis Holland
Birth: December 6, 1893 34 33Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: August 20, 1949Lewisburg, Logan, Kentucky, United States
-11 years
Ettie Lisbeth Holland
Birth: February 6, 1883 23 22Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: June 15, 1969Logan, Kentucky, United States
2 years
William Hickmon Holland
Birth: July 9, 1885 26 25Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: December 16, 1969Tennessee, United States
3 years
Cynthia Hattie Holland
Birth: June 10, 1888 29 28Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: December 21, 1935Logan, Kentucky, United States
3 years
George Herman Holland
Birth: April 15, 1891 32 31Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: November 11, 1953Ouachita, Louisiana, United States
5 years
Ina Macey Holland
Birth: July 6, 1896 37 36Logan, Kentucky, United States
Death: July 3, 1981Shreveport, Caddo, Louisiana, United States

Jeremiah Edward “Jerry” Holland has 42 first cousins recorded

Father's family (42)

Parents Lemuel W Harris + Mary Elizabeth Holland
1Cynthia Ann Harris18411930
2Mary Ellen Harris18441926
3Taylor E Harris18481884
4Joel N Harris18491942
7Henry C Harris18531933
8Bascomb Lee Harris18591947
Parents Nathaniel Walker Holland + Sarah M “Sally” Cross
Parents Nathaniel Walker Holland + Agnes Ellen Wimpey
3Amanda Holland18501851
9Franklin H Holland18681951
Parents John Wesley Holland + Ann Lucas Walker “Anna” Hunter
Parents Allen Samuel Holland + Lucy Elizabeth Mason
7James S Holland18701917
8Samuel L Holland18731949
Parents Allen Samuel Holland + Mary Jane Neall
Parents Capt. James Harvey Hudspeth + Armelda Ann Holland

Mother's family (0)

Census1860 United States - Census transcript - George Martin Holland - Household

Logan, Kentucky

George M Hollandhead22MWFarmerKY
Emily Hollandwife19FWTN
Jere E Hollandson1MWKY

Census1870 United States - Census transcript - George Martin Holland - Household

Gordonsville, Logan, Kentucky

Holland, Georgehead35MWFarmerKY
Holland, Emilywife29FWKeeping HouseTN
Holland, Jeremiahson11MWWorks on FarmKY
Holland, George Anndaughter4FWKY

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Jeremiah Edward “Jerry” Holland - Household

Olmstead, Logan, Kentucky

Holland, Jeremiah EheadWMFeb185941M24KYKYKYFarmer
Holland, HarrietwifeWFMar185941M2499KYTNTN
Holland, Alexander HsonWMAug188118MKYKYKYAt School
Holland, Ettie LdaughterWFFeb188317MKYKYKY
Holland, William HsonWMJun188514MKYKYKYAt School
Holland, Cynthia HdaughterWFJun188912MKYKYKYAt School
Holland, George HsonWMApr188811MKYKYKY
Holland, OtissonWMDec18936SKYKYKY
Holland, Ina MdaughterWFJul18954MKYKYKY