Capt. John BriscoeAge: 59 years1675–1734
- Name
- Capt. John Briscoe
- Name prefix
- Capt.
- Given names
- John
- Surname
- Briscoe
![]() | about 1675 28 23 |
![]() #1 | Philip Briscoe |
![]() | Judith Aschom Briscoe about 1675 |
![]() | George Briscoe about 1676 (Age 12 months) |
![]() | Susanna Briscoe about 1677 (Age 2 years) |
![]() | Edward Briscoe about 1677 (Age 2 years) |
![]() | Phillip Briscoe Jr. about 1679 (Age 4 years) |
![]() | Ann Briscoe about 1680 (Age 5 years) |
![]() | Capt. James Briscoe about 1693 (Age 18 years) |
![]() | Dr. John Briscoe 1699 (Age 24 years) |
![]() | Col. Edward Swann May 26, 1708 (Age 33 years) |
![]() | Elanor Williamson — View this family about 1710 (Age 35 years) |
![]() | George Briscoe March 9, 1721 (Age 46 years) |
![]() | Dr. Col. Philip Briscoe January 29, 1724 (Age 49 years) |
![]() | Susannah Swann April 25, 1724 (Age 49 years) |
![]() | unknown |
![]() | January 12, 1734 (Age 59 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Dr. Col. Philip Briscoe Birth: about 1647 35 31 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: January 29, 1724 — Charles, Maryland, United States |
mother |
Susannah Swann Birth: about 1652 22 20 — St. Mary's, Maryland, United States Death: April 25, 1724 — Charles, Maryland, United States |
Marriage: about 1672 — |
3 years elder sister |
Sara Leonard Briscoe Birth: about 1674 27 22 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: |
2 years twin sister |
Judith Aschom Briscoe Birth: about 1675 28 23 Death: before 1739 |
1 year himself |
Capt. John Briscoe Birth: about 1675 28 23 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: January 12, 1734 — Trinity Parish, Charles, Maryland, United States |
2 years younger brother |
George Briscoe Birth: about 1676 29 24 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: March 9, 1721 |
2 years younger sister |
Susanna Briscoe Birth: about 1677 30 25 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: February 11, 1739 — Charles, Maryland, United States |
1 year younger brother |
Edward Briscoe Birth: about 1677 30 25 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: |
3 years younger brother |
Phillip Briscoe Jr. Birth: about 1679 32 27 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: |
2 years younger sister |
Ann Briscoe Birth: about 1680 33 28 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: after 1740 |
14 years younger brother |
Capt. James Briscoe Birth: about 1693 46 41 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: 1752 — LaPlata, Charles, Maryland, United States |
Family with Elanor Williamson |
himself |
Capt. John Briscoe Birth: about 1675 28 23 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: January 12, 1734 — Trinity Parish, Charles, Maryland, United States |
wife |
Elanor Williamson Death: |
Marriage: about 1710 — Charles, Maryland, United States |
son |
James Briscoe Death: |
daughter |
Elizabeth Briscoe Death: |
son |
Hezekiah Briscoe Death: |
son | |
daughter |
Martha Briscoe Death: |
son |
Philip Briscoe Birth: St. Mary's, Maryland, United States Death: |
Capt. John Briscoe has 0 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (0)
Will | Will to wife Eliner 5 children Samuel, Philip, James, and Hezekiah, and dau Martha
Hezekiah Briscoe m. Susannah Wilson is brother of Philip Briscoe m. Chloe Hanson not the son. Family Group Sheet
AKA: Husband: Capt. John BRISCOE Gent.
Born: 1678 Died: 1734 - Charles Co., Maryland, USA Buried: Father: Col. & Dr. Philip BRISCOE Sr. Gent. (#1) (1647-1724) (1) Mother: Susannah SWANN (Bef 1651-1740) Married: Bef 1711 (2) Place:
He had a religion in All Faith's Chruch, St. Mary's Co., MD, USA. he & his heris were to have the 1st pew on the left side coming in the door
2. Patent: 1701, Providence, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (3) 159a [SOM DD5/22)
3. Adm.: 1705-1714, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Hardy, Henry (Capt) Wife Ann, extx. To dau Ann Hardy's Purchase at 16yrs; to be brought up in Protestant Church. Mentions kinsman Henry, son of George Hardy, of Loughborow, Leicester Co; bro. George Exs. Philip Briscoe & his son John. (Will: 13. 733; 21 Dec 1705; 20 Sep 1714) Inv. 38A.126; 28 Sep 1714 Next of kin. Richar Ashman. Inv: 36B.332; 22 Mar 1714; 25 Mar 1715) Admr: Anne Hardy (Charles County Acct : 37A.21; 29 Sep 1716) Inv 39A.35; 30 Jan 1717) Mentions residary legatee (unnamed) resident in Britian) admr. (de bonis non) Richard Ashman. (acct 39c.138 26 Jan 1717) Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 4 Hardy, Henry, Chas. Co., 21st Dec., 1705; 20th Sept., 1714. To wife Ann, extx., and hrs., 1/3 of personal estate. To dau. Ann, all land, tenements, etc., of "Hardy's Purchase," and 1/3 of personalty at 16 yrs. of age; she to be brought up in Protestant Church as established by law. To kinsman Henry, son of George Hardy, and hrs., of Loughborow, Lessester Co., residue of personalty and land afsd. Should dau. Ann die without issue and he dying without issue, to pass to his brother George and hrs., and successively to the family of Hardy and to next of kin. Exs.: Philip Briscoe and his son John. Overseer: Walter Story. Test: Richard Coe, Richard Beaumont, Magins Sinclair, Mary Sinckelair. 13. 733
4. Occupation/Hobbies/Interests: 1706, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. (4) Justice
5. Court Record: 25 Dec 1706, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (4) Anne Ellson (spinster) of St Mary's Co to John Briscoe of St. Mary's Co.Anne apprentices to age 21 only son Nicholas Ellson now 3 years as a servant to Briscoe one of the Justices of St. Mary's co.
6. Debt: 4 Aug 1710, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. (5) debt fr est.
Benja Clark dec.
7. Deed: 25 Apr 1720, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (3) Capt John Briscoe registered cattle mark [CCLR H#2.334]
8. Deed: 12 Jan 1722, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (3) 12 Jan 1722: triparite agrement: John Briscoe of Charles Co., gent tract called Baltimore's Guift, adj Sarum, William Digges Conveyed 134 acres called Digges Baltimore's Gift Addition adjoining; both to Thomas Turner, on 3 Apr 1722 Turner sold to Briscoe 142 acres; ack Eleanor Briscoe wife of John (CCLR L#2.24)
9. Purchased: 3 Apr 1722, Baltimore's Gift Or Diggs Baltimores Gift, Charles Co., MD, USA. (6) fr. Thomas Turner
10. Heir: 25 Apr 1724-29 Jan 1724, Morris's Venture, MD, USA. (7) to mother during life then to him fr father Philip
11. He owned land William & Anne Ward of St. M Co to John Briscoe of Charles "Wilton" 30a on 31 Mar 1729 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (8)
12. Mentioned: 13 Oct 1730, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Samuel Williamson 10.469 a SM 396.6.2 396.6.2 34.7.1 lbs. 34.7.1 lbs 13 Oct 1730. a second inventory is cited in this amount of 1.00.0. Received from: Thomas Hunt, Philip Briscoe, capt. George Clark, Thomas Swann, James Swann, Benjamin Stevens. Payments to Capt george Clarke, John Hale, Philip Briscoe, Benjamin Wood, John Briscoe, Rev. John Donaldson, Thomas Taylor, John Ford. Admiiistratrix: Judith Williamson.
13. He signed a will on 13 Jan 1733-8 Apr 1734 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (9, 10) Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. and his wife Eleanor. In his will John Briscoe left to wife Eliner dwelling plantation. To son John Baltimore's Gift on condition he make over his right in the third part of land belonging to father Williamson to sons Samuel & Hezekiah. To son James tract where mother Susanna dwells. To dau. Mary Haw 134 an in St. Mary's Co. To son Samuel & grandson Williamson Briscoe, personalty. Mentions 5 children: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekiah, and Martharn Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe. Wit. James Swaine, John Hayes, Andrew Chunn, Margaret Llewellin, Richard Bucknell. Creditors include Samuell & Williason Briscoe. Next of kin Samuell Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Extr Mrs Eleanor Briscoe Inv 18. 275 10 may 1734-14 Jun 1734
14. Tax: 1733, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (11) as Briscoe, Jno Capt., taxable 7, #1 Dist Newport East Side
15. Inventory: 10 May 1734-14 Jun 1734, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (12) Capt., Gentleman
16. Account: 12 Apr 1735, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (13) Capt John Briscoe decd, Eleanor Briscoe exex. James Swann & Mary Coty & Andrew Chinn of Charles Co Sure 12 Apr 1735
17. Mentioned: 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. 5 Feb 1739: Will Susannah Briscoe to Samuel Williamson Briscoe son of son John Briscoe, grand son Philip Briscoe son of John Briscoe deceased; grand daughter, Martha Wilson daughter John Wilson; grand daughter Elizabeth Briscoe; grand son James Briscoe son of son John Briscoe deceased, grand son Hezekiah Briscoe son of John Briscoe deceased;
Wife: Eleanor Williamson
Born; Christened: Died: Est 1754 - Charles Co., Maryland, USA Buried: Father: Samuel WILLIAMSON ( -Bef 1729) (14) Mother: Judith BARBER ( - ) (15)
1. Heir: 19 Feb 1711-3 Apr 1711, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (16) Low, Margrett,St. Mary's Co., 19th Feb., 1711; 3rd Apr., 1711. To Ellinor Briscoe and goddau. Hester Berree and to Matthew Williamson, husband's goddau. Elinor Gladen, goddau. Nickcolls and to Kathering Gladine, personalty. Ex.: Samuel Williamson. Test: John Hayes, Elisha Summerhill, John Pratt, Philip Briscoe, Jr. 13. 238
2. Kin: 3 Mar 1725, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Elinor was named as Kin in the inv. of James Somerhill of St. Mary's County 3 Mar 1725 [1:11:262]
3. Heir: 1734, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. and his wife Eleanor. In his will John Briscoe left to wife Eliner dwelling plantation. To son John Baltimore's Gift on condition he make over his right in the third part of land belonging to father Williamson to sons Samuel & Hezekiah. To son James tract where mother Susanna dwells. To dau. Mary Haw 134 an in St. Mary's Co. To son Samuel & grandson Williamson Briscoe, personalty. Mentions 5 children: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekiah, and Martharn Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe. Wit. James Swaine, John Hayes, Andrew Chunn, Margaret Llewellin, Richard Bucknell. Creditors include Samuell & Williason Briscoe. Next of kin Samuell Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Extr Mrs Eleanor Briscoe Inv 18. 275 10 may 1734-14 Jun 1734
4. She owned land in 1734 in St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. From Spouse John Briscoe, home plantation
5. Lease: 5 Sep 1738, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. 9/5/1738: Lease from John Llewellen of SMC, Gent. to Eleanor Briscoe of CC, widow for 21 years, pt. of "Westwood Manor" to begin 12/25 next. Property near the plantation where Charles Love now lives and contains 102 ac. Wit: Robert Yates, John Briscoe. (CC Land Rec.).
6. She signed a will on 2 Feb 1753 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (17) Briscoe, Elinor, Charles Co Widow. 2 Feb 1753. filed 1754 To granddau Elinor Briscoe, dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe, Negro Philis. first Child of Philis to go to Mary Briscoe dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe. To grandson Hanson Briscoe son of Philip Chloe Briscoe. Negro boy Riswell and if he dies without issue then to his brother John Hanson Briscoe. To granddau Elinor Llewellin Briscoe, dau of Samuel and Margaret Briscoe 6 Silver Spoons. To granddaughter Elinor Wilson Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannh Briscoe, Negro girl Nan. To goddau Margarett Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannah Briscoe, Negro girl Henny. To grandson John Wilson, Negro Woman Moll. My wearing apparel to daus, Martha Wilson & Elizabeth Briscoe. To son Hezekiah Briscoe tract called "Retirement" lying part in St. Mary's and part in Charles Co Son Hezekiah Briscoe, ex. Wit. Andw. Chunn, John Compton, James Compton. 29.110
7. Rent: 1753, Morris Adventure, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (18) The Rent Roll of Charles Co. to Michaelmass 1753. P. 55: MorrAdventure 700 acres Surveyed 17 May 1665 for Richard Morris on the north side of a swamp that falls into Birds Cr. Posser. 700a Eleanor Briscoe
8. Rent: 1753, Whittam Enlarged, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (19) The Rent Roll of Charles Co. to Michaelmass 1753. p. 82. p. 102: Wittam Elglarged 290 acres Resurveyed for Edward Davis, Feb 9 1726, beginning at a counded white oak. Possr. 36a Andrew Chunn, 30a Eleanor Briscoe, 117 a George Ward, 117 Francis Walter. Short paid in this tract, but 2 tracts of the same name
9. She owned land in 1753 in Retirement, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Listed in her will
10. She had an estate probated on 11 Mar 1755 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (3) Eliner Briscoe; Charles Co. 291.12.11 sterling; 11 Mar 1755; kin Samuel Briscoe, Philip Briscoe; Ex Hezekiah Briscoe (I 60.136)
1 M Capt. John BRISCOE Born: Abt 1700 Christened: Died: 1741 - Charles Co., Maryland, USA Buried: Spouse: Mary ( - ) Marr. Date: Abt 1738 (20) Spouse: Marr. Date:
1. Heir: 1734, Baltimores Gift, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. and his wife Eleanor. In his will John Briscoe left to wife Eliner dwelling plantation. To son John Baltimore's Gift on condition he make over his right in the third part of land belonging to father Williamson to sons Samuel & Hezekiah. To son James tract where mother Susanna dwells. To dau. Mary Haw 134 an in St. Mary's Co. To son Samuel & grandson Williamson Briscoe, personalty. Mentions 5 children: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekiah, and Martharn Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe. Wit. James Swaine, John Hayes, Andrew Chunn, Margaret Llewellin, Richard Bucknell. Creditors include Samuell & Williason Briscoe. Next of kin Samuell Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Extr Mrs Eleanor Briscoe Inv 18. 275 10 may 1734-14 Jun 1734
2. He owned land Held 1/3 interest in father Williamson's land others were bro. Samuel & Hezekiah and was to assigne them his share. in 1734 in St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA.
3. Kin: 1734, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Prerogative Court Abstracts, 1733-1738: Capt. John Briscoe 18.275 CH 322.0.0 lbs. 10 May 1734-14 Jun 1734. Appraisers: John Chunn, Benjamin Chunn; Creditors: Samuel Williamson Briscoe, Williamson Hays: Next of Kin: Samuel Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Executrix Mrs. Eleanor Briscoe
4. Lease: 15 Aug 1738, Westwood Manor Pt. Chaptico Manor, Charles Co., MD, USA. (21) fr John Lewellin of St. Mary's Co. lease 400a 8/9/1738: Lease from John Llewellen of SMC, Gent. to John Briscoe of CC, Gent., for 21 years pt. of "Westwood Manor" to begin 12/25 next. Wit: Robert Yates, Thomas Stone. (CC Land Rec.).
5. Witness: 5 Sep 1738, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. 9/5/1738: From John Llewellen of SMC, Gent. to Robert Gill of CC, tailor a 21 year lease to begin 12/25 next of pt. "Westwood Manor", 104 ac. Wit: Robert Yates, John Briscoe. (CC Land Rec.). 9/5/1738: Lease from John Llewellen of SMC, Gent. to Charles Love of CC for 21 years to begin 12/25 next, pt. "West Wood Manor" now in the possession and occupation of sd. Charles Love. Wit: Robert Yates, John Briscoe. (CC Land Rec.). 9/5/1738: Lease from John Llewellen, Gent. of SMC to Samuel Chunn of CC, planter a 21 year lease beginning 12/25 next for pt. of "West Wood Manor", 154 ac. Wit: Robert Yates, John Briscoe. (CC Land Rec.).
6. He owned land on 10 Mar 1739 in Morrisses Hope/Batchelors Hope, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Sep 8, 1770 from Thomas Key of St. Mary's County Gent. To Samuel Briscoe of CC, Gent, for 611 ster 4 shil & 6 pence, part of 2 tracts of land in CC, the one called "Digges Baltimores Gift" and the other Called "Digges Addition" otherwise called Baltimores Gift Addition, surveyed and taken up by Colo William Digges in abt 1682, which same land afterwards became the property of Thomas Perry of Bath Easton in Somersetshire in Great Britain, who by deed conveyed the land to Philip Key, esq. father of the afd Thomas Key on about Dec 31, 1737. The land is bounded by the NE corner tree of Mr Pile's old survey, the head of Stonestreets Gutt, the line of the land formerly belonging to John Berry decd and now in the possession of sd Samuel Briscoe under the sd Thomas Key and called "Morrisses Hope" or "Batchelors Hope", containing avt 365 acres, excepting 32 acres pt of the land afd and included in sd lines formerly granted on about 10 Mar 1739 by the afd Philip Key to John Briscoe. Also conveyed are 2 parcels of land whereon John Perry, father of the afd Thomas Parry, formerly lived, at the head of Budds Cr in CC, one called "Morriss Hope" originally granted to Richard Morris for 75 acres, the other called "Batchelors Hope", originally granted to Robett Page for 50a these last 2 parcels of land adjoin each other, and are contiguous to the 1st afd sold tract. The last 2 tracts were conveyed by sd Thomas Parry to the afd Philip Key on about 13 Dec 1737. Signed - Thos Key, Sam Briscoe, Wit. John Winter, Robert Horner, Jane the wife of the sd Thomas Key, relinquished her right of dower. Recorded 25 Sep 1770's
7. Lease: 14 Mar 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. From John Llewellen of SMC, Gent. to Capt. John Briscoe of CC, planter. Amendment of lease agreement dated 8/9/1738 to alter tenure from 21 years to "an estate for lives" of Mary, wife of sd. John Briscoe and Samuel Briscoe, son of sd. Samuel and the longest liver of them. (CC Land Rec.).
8. Lease: John Lewillin extends lease Westwood Manor pt. Chaptico Manor to lives of John & Mary Briscoe & son Samuel. Wit. George Dent, Matthew Compton, 19 Mar 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (22)
9. Heir: 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Will Susannah Briscoe give to grand son John Briscoe son of John Briscoe deceased dishes pewter;
10. Lease: 26 Jun 1740, Marsh Land West Wood Marsh Manor Of Chaptico, Charles Co., MD, USA. (23) 40a
11. Occupation/Hobbies/Interests: 1740, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. planter
12. He signed a will John Briscoe planter, wife Mary, Children Samuel, Eleanor, Elizabeth, & Unborn; if wife die care to bros. Samuel & Philip. Wit. Robert Gill, Mary Hall, Mary Gill on 30 Dec 1740-15 Feb 1741 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (24, 25)
13. Mentioned: 1770, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Sep 8, 1770 from Thomas Key of St. Mary's County Gent. To Samuel Briscoe of CC, Gent, for 611 ster 4 shil & 6 pence, part of 2 tracts of land in CC, the one called "Digges Baltimores Gift" and the other Called "Digges Addition" otherwise called Baltimores Gift Addition, surveyed and taken up by Colo William Digges in abt 1682, which same land afterwards became the property of Thomas Perry of Bath Easton in Somersetshire in Great Britain, who by deed conveyed the land to Philip Key, esq. father of the afd Thomas Key on about Dec 31, 1737. The land is bounded by the NE corner tree of Mr Pile's old survey, the head of Stonestreets Gutt, the line of the land formerly belonging to John Berry decd and now in the possession of sd Samuel Briscoe under the sd Thomas Key and called "Morrisses Hope" or "Batchelors Hope", containing avt 365 acres, excepting 32 acres pt of the land afd and included in sd lines formerly granted on about 10 Mar 1739 by the afd Philip Key to John Briscoe. Also conveyed are 2 parcels of land whereon John Perry, father of the afd Thomas Parry, formerly lived, at the head of Budds Cr in CC, one called "Morriss Hope" originally granted to Richard Morris for 75 acres, the other called "Batchelors Hope", originally granted to Robett Page for 50a these last 2 parcels of land adjoin each other, and are contiguous to the 1st afd sold tract. The last 2 tracts were conveyed by sd Thomas Parry to the afd Philip Key on about 13 Dec 1737. Signed - Thos Key, Sam Briscoe, Wit. John Winter, Robert Horner, Jane the wife of the sd Thomas Key, relinquished her right of dower. Recorded 25 Sep 1770.
2 M James BRISCOE Born: Christened: Died: Buried: Spouse: Marr. Date: Events
1. Heir: 1734, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. and his wife Eleanor. In his will John Briscoe left to wife Eliner dwelling plantation. To son John Baltimore's Gift on condition he make over his right in the third part of land belonging to father Williamson to sons Samuel & Hezekiah. To son James tract where mother Susanna dwells. To dau. Mary Haw 134 an in St. Mary's Co. To son Samuel & grandson Williamson Briscoe, personalty. Mentions 5 children: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekiah, and Martharn Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe. Wit. James Swaine, John Hayes, Andrew Chunn, Margaret Llewellin, Richard Bucknell. Creditors include Samuell & Williason Briscoe. Next of kin Samuell Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Extr Mrs Eleanor Briscoe Inv 18. 275 10 may 1734-14 Jun 1734
2. Heir: 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Will Susannah Briscoe grand son James Briscoe son of son John Briscoe deceased heifer
3 M Samuel Williamson BRISCOE (26) Born: Bef 1719 (27) Christened: Died: Buried: Spouse: Margaret LLEWLLEN ( - ) (26) Marr. Date: Spouse: Marr. Date:
1. Witness: 10 May 1734-14 Jun 1734, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Capt. John Briscoe 18.275 CH 322.0.0 lbs. 10 May 1734-14 Jun 1734. Appraisers: John Chunn, Benjamin Chunn; Creditors: Samuel Williamson Briscoe, Williamson Hays: Next of Kin: Samuel Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Executrix Mrs. Eleanor Briscoe
2. Mentioned: 1836, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. The Bill of complaint of MARTHA TURNER humbly shows, that she is the widow of THOMAS TURNER late of Charles County in the State of Maryland who departed this life on or about the Eighth day of April in the year Eighteen Hundred and THIRTY Six (1836) , seized and possessed of the following tracts a part, of tracts of land lying and being in Charles County aforesaid, to wit a lot or parcel of ground with the improvements therein, in New Port in the County aforesaid which was conveyed to her said husband THOMAS TURNER, in the year Eighteen hundred and Fifteen, being part of a tract or parcel of land called "SAINT THOMAS" a ------- reference to said conveyance will appear - and also of one other tract a part of the tract of land lying in the county, aforesaid, which was conveyed to the said husband, by EDWARD B. MORAN, in about the month of October in the year Eighteen Hundred and Twenty eight as -----reference to the deed therefore will appear, the said tract, being a part of " Keys Addition" and containing sixty six and one half acres more or less and of the other -----parcels of land which were conveyed to her said husband by SAMUEL S. BRISCOE, WILLIAM HENDLY SMOOT, ----- and PHILIP KING -----deed bearing date on or about the Twentieth Day of March in the year Eighteen Hundred and Twenty (1820) of ---reference ------appears, -----"Partnership", "TURNERS CHANCE", "CHUMMS ADDITION", Part of "WILTON", and "EAST MARLING" containing in the whole about three hundred and fifty one acres, and all lying in Charles County aforesaid - and --- -, charges that her said husband THOMAS TURNER in his life time ------on or about the Sixth day of May in the year Eighteen Hundred and Twenty, (6 MAY 1820) purchased ---------AQUILA TURNER, two tracts or parcels of land lying in the county aforesaid called "MOUNT PLEASANT", and part of "WATERS CHANCE" containing together one hundred and sixty one acres more or less - the ? purchase convey ----- said parcels of land being eight Hundred --------- was paid exclusively by the said husband, ---------believes and -------- things, for the purpose of depriving her of her right to Dower therein, her said husband ????? the conveyance after said parcels of land to be made ----------said AQUILA TURNER, to himself and said THOMAS TURNER for life to ?????son JOHN M. TURNER after his death - and she further charges that on or about the Twenty Eighth Day of June in the year Eighteen Hundred and Thirty her said husband the said THOMAS TURNER purchased of BENEDICT EDELEN one ---- lot a parcel of ground, being part of a tract called " ST. THOMAS" near the Village of New Port in the County aforesaid containing ten acres more or less. -------The purchase ---- ----- ----parcel of land was also paid exclusively --- her said husband, but that in order to deprive her of her dower right therein also, her said husband caused the conveyance therefor -made to himself for life, and after his death to his daughter SUSANNA E. TURNER in full. And the? Archaic, charges entire purchase ----of the parcels of land was paid by her said husband, and that the object and only object of leaving the conveyances made in the --- before, continued, was to deprive the *Archaic, of the dower right therein., but Archaic is advised and therefore charges, that in as much as the -----consideration future parcels of land was paid by her said husband, the entire use resulted to him, and that she after his death became entitled to Dower therein. And the *Archaic? (Consort) further charges that her said husband on or about the first day of July in the year Eighteen Hundred and Thirty (1831) , conveyed to one JAMES T. THOMAS of Charles County further pretended consideration ------there ------ ------ and which of the aforesaid parcels of land, together with all his personal estate, as afore reference to an authenticated copy of said deed worked ---- ------ ------ she -----be taken a part of this bill -- appear. And she charges that the consideration continued in said deed or any part thereof and was paid by the said JAMES P. TURNER the grantee, and that the same is fraudulent and ----, and --- ----- taken right to Dower in said lands, she never having relinquished her said right. --- ---said JAMES P. TURNER, on or about the fifth day of July (5th of July) in the year past aforesaid, conveyed all the said real and personal property as aforesaid conveyed to him by the said THOMAS TURNER, to certain EDWARD TURNER and AQUILA TURNER of Charles County aforesaid, further pretended consideration of Five Thousand Dollars, (in part publish ----consort(*Antric) a wife and never paid) upon certain trusts as will therein appear. And the *Antric files herewith a copy of said and marked exhibit --- and ----the same way be taken and considered as a part of this bill. And she further states, that her husband the said THOMAS TURNER departed this life as before stated on about the Eighth day of April in the year Eighteen Hundred and Twenty Six (1826) leaving the --- -----children his heirs at law, to wit, SUSAN E. Of full age, the wife of JOHN M. LATIMER, of Charles County, JOHN R. TURNER also of full age, and THOMAS PHILIP TURNER and FRANKLIN PARNHAM TURNER minors to the age of twenty one years. And *Antrics charges that her said husband continued and remained to the period of his death as -----,-----seized and possessed of the aforesaid land and real estate, and died so seized and possessed and that therefore his aforesaid ---taken possession thereof, and have continued so in possession from that time to the present. Receiving the rent and profits thereof and the *Antric is advised that she is entitled to one third of the said lands and premises during her life and to one third of the rents and profits thereof from the day of his death offer said husband until her Dower shall be assigned --, as by law she is entitled and she charges that the ans applied to the said ----at law and grantees to assign----in ----the said premises, and to pay one third of the rents and profits thereof further time her right accrued as aforesaid, ----- ---- ---- -----. ---- ---- therefore that the said JOHN M. LATIMER and SUSANNA E. His wife, JOHN R. TURNER, THOMAS PHILIP TURNER, FRANKLIN PARNHAM TURNER, JAMES P. TURNER, EDWARD TURNER and AGUILA TURNER, all of Charles County aforesaid, may answer the several matters and things herein before started, and that they and lack of them may --- of intent part, and of the said lands ------- and premises ---, and lack of them are in possession ---the ----- ------since the death of the said THOMAS TURNER, and that the said parties may be decreed to assign to the *Antric, one third of the rents and profits of the same further time of the death of the aforesaid husband the said THOMAS TURNER , and --- ---- Antric may ---- such ----- and further relief as here case may require. May it please ------- ---- to grant unto the Antric -- --- of Supeana against the said JOHN M. LATIMER and SUSANNA E. LATIMER his wife, JOHN R. TURNER, THOMAS PHILIP TURNER, FRANKLIN PARMHAM TURNER, JAMES T. THOMAS, EDWARD TURNER and AQUILA TURNER R all of Charles County commanding them to appear in this court, at same certain day --- therein -------to answer the promises and abide by and inform such decree, as may be posses therein and the Antic will pray - (unable to make out Court Clerks names) (This is the one labeled MARTHA TUNER - JOHN M. LATIMER AND OTHERS. In Chancery To the Honorable Theodorick Bland Chancellor of Maryland The petition of the complainant respectfully states that the answers being filed, and the cause at issue, she now prays your Honor to direct a Commission to issue to take proof there being no slandering commissioners in the County where the Witnesses reside, the names as Commissioners, Waller H. Mitchell, John Matthew, Wm B. Stone, George Brent of Charles County and they will pray. In Chancery 31 July 1845 Ordered that a commission issue as prayed by the foregoing application to the persons therein named unless the Defendants name and ------ Commissioners on or before the Tenth day of September next, -----that a copy of this order together with a copy of the ----- ----served on the defendants their Solicitors on or before the Twentieth day of August Next Theodorick Bland clerk. Copy of Service filed 15 April 1845
3. Heir: 1734, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. (29, 30) Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. and his wife Eleanor. In his will John Briscoe left to wife Eliner dwelling plantation. To son John Baltimore's Gift on condition he make over his right in the third part of land belonging to father Williamson to sons Samuel & Hezekiah. To son James tract where mother Susanna dwells. To dau. Mary Haw 134 an in St. Mary's Co. To son Samuel & grandson Williamson Briscoe, personalty. Mentions 5 children: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekiah, and Martharn Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe. Wit. James Swaine, John Hayes, Andrew Chunn, Margaret Llewellin, Richard Bucknell. Creditors include Samuell & Williason Briscoe. Next of kin Samuell Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Extr Mrs Eleanor Briscoe Inv 18. 275 10 may 1734-14 Jun 1734
4. He owned land in 1734 in St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Held 1/3 interest in father Williamson's land others were bro. Hezekiah & John.
5. Mentioned: 29 Apr 1739, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Barber Luke, St. Mary's Co., 29th April, 1739; 27th Dec., 1743. To bro. Edward and his hrs., land where he now dwells to the N. of land sold Wm. Summerhill and lying next to land sold Samuel Williamson now in possession of Stephen and Samuel Briscoe, 150 A. on Wicomocoe R. lying S. of land formerly belonging to John Parry and now in possession of Philip Key (Keey). Shd. bro. afsd. or his hrs. lay claim to any part of dwelling plantation "Westham," land afsd. to return to testator's hrs. “ eldest son Baptist, dwelling plantation at Westham" and land lying on N. side of Philip Key. Shd. he die with out hrs. to pass to sons Cornelius and Edward. " sons Cornelius and Edward, "Luckland". " dau. Dorothy Greenfield and hrs., land afsd. in case of death of all of her bros. Shd. she die without hrs. to pass to testator's bro. Edward and male hrs. Ex.: -. Test: Wm. Davies, Israel Henly, Thos. Beach, Thos. Barber. 23. 322.
6. Heir: 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Will Susannah Briscoe to Samuel Williamson Briscoe son of son John Briscoe deceased Negro, Susannah;
7. He had a residence in 1753-1754 in St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA.
8. Grantee: 23 Apr 1753, Clagett's Purchase, Frederick Co., MD, USA. (31) Samuel Williamson Briscoe of SMC recorded 7 May 1753 made 23 Apr 1753 between Charles Clagett, gentleman of FC for 130 pS. tract called "Clagett's Purchase" M & B for 286 acres. signed Charles Clagett, before Alex, Beall, John Clagett. Charles Clagett ack. deed. and at same time, Jane Clagett wife of the said Charles, released dower right.
9. Mentioned: 1753, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Briscoe, Elinor, Charles Co Widow. 2 Feb 1753. To granddau Elinor Briscoe, dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe, Negro Philis. first Child of Philis to go to Mary Briscoe dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe. To grandson Hanson Briscoe son of Philip Chloe Briscoe. Negro boy Riswell and if he dies without issue then to his brother John Hanson Briscoe. To granddau Elinor Llewellin Briscoe, dau of Samuel and Margaret Briscoe 6 Silver Spoons. To granddaughter Elinor Wilson Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannh Briscoe, Negro girl Nan. To goddau Margarett Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannah Briscoe, Negro girl Henny. To grandson John Wilson, Negro Woman Moll. My wearing apparel to daus, Martha Wilson & Elizabeth Briscoe. To son Hezekiah Briscoe tract called "Retirement" lying part in St. Mary's and part in Charles Co Son Hezekiah Briscoe, ex. Wit. Andw. Chunn, John Compton, James Compton. 29.110
10. Grantee: 11 Mar 1754, Clagett's Purchase, Frederick Co., MD, USA. (32) Samuel Williamson Brisccsoe of SMC, recorded deed 21 Mar 1754, made 11 March 1754 between George Wilson of FC, gentleman for 28 pounds 10 shillings sterling, sells part of a tract formerly in PGC. called "Clagetts Purchase" beginning at 2nd line of part formerly belonging to John Maulesby, M & B for 50a signed George Wilson by his mark, before John Rawlins, John Clagett Mary Wilson wife of George Wilson released dower right
11. Overseer: 1754, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. DR. FRANCIS XAVERIUS PARNHAM heir Father's will, 1737--he inherited pt. of "Calvert's Hope". 1742--Deed of gift from sister Anna Maria. Recorded 2/1754: By virtue of a power of attorney hereunto adjoining and the power thereby given to me, Robert Horner, I hereby appoint Mr. Samuel Briscoe of CC, Gent., to do everything that needs to be done concerning the premises. Signed by Robert Horner, attorney in fact for Thomas Haw. Wit: Philip Briscoe, Francis Parnham. (I would say this is Philip, husband of Chloe Hanson as it was his brother Samuel who is named here and because his sister, Mary married John Haw). (CC Land Rec., 1752-1756).
12. Purchased: 8 Sep 1770, Morriesses Hope/Batchelors Hope, Charles Co., MD, USA. (33) Sep 8, 1770 from Thomas Key of St. Mary's County Gent. To Samuel Briscoe of CC, Gent, for 611 ster 4 shil & 6 pence, part of 2 tracts of land in CC, the one called "Digges Baltimores Gift" and the other Called "Digges Addition" otherwise called Baltimores Gift Addition, surveyed and taken up by Colo William Digges in abt 1682, which same land afterwards became the property of Thomas Perry of Bath Easton in Somersetshire in Great Britain, who by deed conveyed the land to Philip Key, esq. father of the afd Thomas Key on about Dec 31, 1737. The land is bounded by the NE corner tree of Mr Pile's old survey, the head of Stonestreets Gutt, the line of the land formerly belonging to John Berry decd and now in the possession of sd Samuel Briscoe under the sd Thomas Key and called "Morrisses Hope" or "Batchelors Hope", containing abt 365 acres, excepting 32 acres pt of the land afd and included in sd lines formerly granted on about 10 Mar 1739 by the afd Philip Key to John Briscoe. Also conveyed are 2 parcels of land whereon John Perry, father of the afd Thomas Parry, formerly lived, at the head of Budds Cr in CC, on e called "Morriss Hope" originally granted to Richard Morris for 75 acres, the other called "Batchelors Hope", originally granted to Robett Page for 50a these last 2 parcels of land adjoin each other, and are contiguous to the 1st afd sold tract. The last 2 tracts were conveyed by sd Thomas Parry to the afd Philip Key on about 13 Dec 1737. Signed - Thos Key, Sam Briscoe, Wit. John Winter, Robert Horner, Jane the wife of the sd Thomas Key, relinquished her right of dower. Recorded 25 Sep 1770.
4 M Hezekiah BRISCOE Born: 1710 Christened: Died: Abt 20 Aug 1757 - Charles Co., Maryland, USA (34) Buried: Spouse: Susannah WILSON ( - )Marr. Date: 1733-1753 (35) Spouse: Marr. Date:
Heir: 1734, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. and his wife Eleanor. In his will John Briscoe left to wife Eliner dwelling plantation. To son John Baltimore's Gift on condition he make over his right in the third part of land belonging to father Williamson to sons Samuel & Hezekiah. To son James tract where mother Susanna dwells. To dau. Mary Haw 134 an in St. Mary's Co. To son Samuel & grandson Williamson Briscoe, personalty. Mentions 5 children: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekiah, and Martharn Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe. Wit. James Swaine, John Hayes, Andrew Chunn, Margaret Llewellin, Richard Bucknell. Creditors include Samuell & Williason Briscoe. Next of kin Samuell Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Extr Mrs Eleanor Briscoe Inv 18. 275 10 may 1734-14 Jun 1734
2. He owned land in 1734 in Maryland, USA. Held 1/3 interest in father Williamson's land others were bro. Samuel & John.
3. Affidavit: 1735, Maryland, USA. gave age as 25y
4. Heir: 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Will Susannah Briscoe Hezekiah Briscoe son of John Briscoe deceased 1 shilling
5. Appraisal: 21 Dec 1752, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (36) apraiser of estate of Hugh McMullen
6. Heir: 2 Feb 1753, Retirement, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (37) Briscoe, Elinor, Charles Co Widow. 2 Feb 1753. To granddau Elinor Briscoe, dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe, Negro Philis. first Child of Philis to go to Mary Briscoe dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe. To grandson Hanson Briscoe son of Philip Chloe Briscoe. Negro boy Riswell and if he dies without issue then to his brother John Hanson Briscoe. To granddau Elinor Llewellin Briscoe, dau of Samuel and Margaret Briscoe 6 Silver Spoons. To granddaughter Elinor Wilson Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannh Briscoe, Negro girl Nan. To goddau Margarett Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannah Briscoe, Negro girl Henny. To grandson John Wilson, Negro Woman Moll. My wearing apparel to daus, Martha Wilson & Elizabeth Briscoe. To son Hezekiah Briscoe tract called "Retirement" lying part in St. Mary's and part in Charles Co Son Hezekiah Briscoe, ex. Wit. Andw. Chunn, John Compton, James Compton. 29.110
7. Appraisal: 14 Dec 1754-24 Jan 1755, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. appraised estate of Thomas Farrant
8. Mentioned: 1755-1779, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Account of William Compton & his wife Susannah Compton late Susannah Briscoe admx. of Hezekiah Briscoe. Represenatives Widow & four Children; Eleanor Wilson Briscoe 9 years old 21 inst., Margaret Briscoe 7 years old 20 Nov next, Mary Briscoe 5 years old 15 Mar next & Eliza Briscoe 3 years old Dec next. 12 Sept 1755 Charles Co., MD [Accounts p. 19] Hezekiah Briscoe owned "Retirement" in 1755, 1756, 1758 St. Mary's Co., MD & it was owned by Hezekiah's Heirs 1755, 1774 & 1779.
9. He owned land in 1756 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. 1756, Charles County, Maryland, Philip Briscoe & Chloe Briscoe sold "Morrises Venture" 176 acres to Hezekiah Briscoe. Hezekiah Brisscoe protestant freeholder, vestryman, & warden 1756, part pew #6, inspector 1759, Trinity Parish, Charles County, Maryland
10. He had an estate probated on 20 Aug 1757-21 Oct 1757 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Hezekiah Briscoe decd. Appraisers Samuel Amery, John Dyson. Creditors Andrew Buchanan, Robet Horner. Next of kin Samuel Briscoe & Philip Briscoe. Admx. Susannah Briscoe. Wm. Peake a child of Fairfax Co., VA was living with Wm. Compton & Susannah Compton in Trinity Parish, Charles County, Maryland.
5 M Dr. Philip BRISCOE (15, 38) Born: 1719 (39) Christened: Died: Buried: Spouse: Chloe HANSON ( -Bef 1757) Marr. Date: Est 1747 Spouse: Mary ( - )Marr. Date: Abt 14 Feb 1757 Spouse: Marr. Date:
1. Heir: 13 Jan 1733-8 Apr 1734, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (40) Briscoe, John, To wife Eliner, extx, dwelling plantation during life, at her decease to son Philip and hrs. and 1/3 of personal estate. Residue of personal estate to 5 of child., viz.: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekish and dau. Matharn Briscoe, and Elizabeth Briscoe.
2. Heir: 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Will Susannah Briscoe togrand son Philip Briscoe son of John Briscoe deceased Negro Sarah;
3. Mentioned: 20 Dec 1741-15 Feb 1741, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (41) Briscoe, John, planter, Should wife die during minority of child., they to be under the care of bros. Samuel and Philip.
4. Mentioned: 1753, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (42) Briscoe, Elinor, Charles Co Widow. 2 Feb 1753. To grandson Hanson Briscoe son of Philip & Chloe Briscoe. Negro boy Riswell and if he dies without issue then to his brother John Hanson Briscoe.
5. Witness: 1754, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Dr. Francis Xaverius Parnham heir Father's will, 1737--he inherited pt. of "Calvert's Hope". 1742--Deed of gift from sister Anna Maria. Recorded 2/1754: By virtue of a power of attorney hereunto adjoining and the power thereby given to me, Robert Horner, I hereby appoint Mr. Samuel Briscoe of CC, Gent., to do everything that needs to be done concerning the premises. Signed by Robert Horner, attorney in fact for Thomas Haw. Wit: Philip Briscoe, Francis Parnham. (I would say this is Philip, husband of Chloe Hanson as it was his brother Samuel who is named here and because his sister, Mary married John Haw). (CC Land Rec., 1752-1756).
6. He owned land on 27 Jan 1755 in Baltimores Gift, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. (43) Hezekiah Briscoe defends bounds of "Baltimores Gift" for Samuel Briscoe age 25 son of John Briscoe, Philip Briscoe age 36yrs son of John Briscoe. Next page same for Samuel Briscoe or Williamson Hays age 43 years nephew of John Briscoe
7. He owned land on 2 Aug 1755 in Morrises Venture, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. 8/2/1755: Deed from Philip Briscoe of SMC, planter to Hezekiah Briscoe of CC for 8000 lbs. tobacco pt. of "Morrises Venture" in CC which was formerly granted to Richard Morris, 176 ac. Chloe, wife of Philip Briscoe, ack. the deed. (CC Land Rec., 1752-1756).
8. He owned land on 2 Aug 1755 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. 8/2/1755: Deed from Philip Briscoe of SMC, planter and Samuel Briscoe of CC, planter, to William Compton of CC, planter for 1300 lbs. tobacco pt. of "Willion" in CC, 30 ac. Chloe, wife of sd. Philip Briscoe, relinquished her right of dower. Recorded 8/21/1755. (CC Land Rec., 1752-1756).
9. He owned land on 14 Feb 1757-1758 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (44) John Parnham, Physician of the 1st part Zaphania Turner of the 2nd part & Philip & Mary Briscoe his wife formerly wife of Francis Parnham dec'd pd. by Turner. John Parnham grants his 200 acres of "Barbadoes" on Port Tobacco Fresh for 5sh. Philip Briscoe & Mary Briscoe releases all her right. Wit. Geo Dent & Sm Briscoe JP's. Ann Parnham wife of John Parnham to Charles Brant
10. He owned land on 14 Feb 1757 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. John Parnham, Physician of the 1st part Zaphania Turner of the Francis Parnham dec'd pd. by Turner. John Parnham grants his200 acres of "Barbadoes" on Port Tobacco Fresh for 5sh. Philip Briscoe & Mary Briscoe releases all her right. Wit. Geo Dent &Sm Brisco.
11. Kin: 20 Aug 1757-21 Oct 1757, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Hezekiah Briscoe deceased Appraisers Samuel Amery, John Dyson. Creditors Andrew Buchanan, Robet Horner. Next of kin Samuel Briscoe & Philip Briscoe. Admx. Susannah Briscoe
12. Adm.: 3 Jul 1758-11 Dec 1767, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (45) 3 Jul 1758, Account of Doct. Francis Parnham, dec'd. Charles Co., MD by Philip Briscoe & Mary his wife, late Mary Parnham admx. Mentions Philip Briscoe, Leonard Briscoe, & Susannah Briscoe widow of Hezekiah Briscoe. Sur Robert Brent & Robert Horner. p. 527. Nov 1761-Apr 1762 Account of Francis Parnham dec'd Charles Co., MD by Philip Briscoe & Mary his wife late Mary Parnham admx. p. 77. 11 Dec 1767 Charles Co., MD Final Account of Dr. Frances Parnham dec'd, Philip Briscoe & Mary Briscoe his wife adms. p. 275
13. Court Record: 1759, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (46) August Court 1759 P.111: CC. You, Ignatius Baggott, William Speak, and John Speak, do confess judgment to Philip Briscoe for 125 lbs of tobacco, which sum was recovered by said Philip Briscoe against sd Ignaius Baggott on Apr 3, 1758 before Colo Allen Davis, sd sum to be levied of your bodies, goods or chattels, lands or tenements, for the use of sd Philip in case sd Ignatius shall not pay sd Philip the sd sums, with the additional costs thereon, next Feb 10. Acknowledged before - Dan Jenifer.
14. Deed: 28 Dec 1759, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Power of Attorney from George Buchanan Sr. of Glasgow, to Philip Briscoe, merchant of St. Mary's Co., Md. (CCLR L#3.130)
15. Adm.: Nov 1761-Apr 1762, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Nov 1761-Apr 1762 Account of Francis Parnham dec'd Charles Co., MD by Philip Briscoe & Mary his wife late Mary Parnham admx.
16. Adm.: 29 Dec 1762-16 Dec 1763, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Will of Edward Riall, SMC 12/29/1762-12/6/1763. Daughter: Mary Price, 1 shilling. Unborn child: one slave and if child dies without issue to grandchildren, John and Edward Price, the father and mother to have no concern. Unborn child: "Riall's Purchase", 109 ac., according as the lease specifies of Chaptico Manor; sd. child dying without issue, land to be divided between grandchildren John and Edward Price. Wife: Jane, "Riall's Venture", 94 ac. Execs: Wife and Philip Briscoe. Wit: Matthew Compton, Leo Briscoe, Zachariah Compton. Widow does not stand to the will.
17. Adm.: 15 Jun 1766-10 Sep 1766, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Will of Mary Ching, Widow, Charles Co., 6/15/1766-9/10/1766. Daughters: Eleanor Anders and Mary Ching. Balance of estate divided amongst children: Mary, Thomas, Joseph, Cornelius, and Samuel Ching. Exec. and guardian: Philip Briscoe. Wit: Samuel Briscoe, Jr., John Andrews.
18. Adm.: 4 Nov 1767, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. 4 Nov 1767 additional inventory of Dr. Francis Parnham dec'd, Charles Co., MD by Philip Briscoe & Mary Briscoe his wife widow of dec'd. Kin Robert Brent & Richard Bances
19. Attorney: 1771, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. 6/8/1771: Power of Attorney. I, John Parnham, a student of physick, in Edenburgh, North Britain, and heir of the dec'd Dr. Francis Parnham of CC, have appointed Philip Briscoe of CC, merchant, to be my true and lawful attorney, to sell the 2 lots of land and houses thereon, which belonged to the dec'd Dr. Francis Parnham, my father, lying in Charles Town, commonly called Port Tobacco in CC, and also a whole plantation above Charles Town which also belonged to my father and now to me, and with the money arising from the sale of the premises, to purchase for me other lands such as he shall judge most proper and convenient for me. Signed at Edinburgh in the County of Mid Lothian, North Britain this June 8, 1771 by John Parnham. Wit: John Robertson, James Campbell, John Winter. Recorded 2/13/1773. (Charles County Deed Book S#3).
20. He had a residence in 1773 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. 5/18/1773: Indenture from John Barnes of CC, for the present absent out of Maryland, by Richard Barnes, Zepheniah Turner, and Joseph Gwinn, his attorneys in fact as per CC letter of attorney dated 7/31/1772 and Thomas How Ridgate of CC, joint merchants and partners in trade and merchandise to John Rogers, Esq. of PG Co., Attorney, Thomas Stone, Esq., Attorney and Philip Richard Fendall, Gent., both of CC their property, goods, etc. in trust. Listed is: The several parcels of land which were lately purchased from the Commissioners afsd. of sd. Lord Baltimore by Barnes and Ridgate, lying in CC and in his Lordship's Manor of Chaptico, that is to say: Lot #52, 104 ac., occupied by Philip Briscoe on behalf of the heirs of Francis Parnham, dec'd. (CC Deed Book S#3).
21. He had a residence on 22 Jun 1778 in Calverts Hope, Calvert Co., MD, USA.
22. Military: 1778, Private John Peal's Co.. (15)
23. He owned land in 1778 in Charles Co., Maryland, USA. 22 Jun 1778, Charles Co., MD Philip Briscoe & Mary Briscoe to John Parnham physician part of "Calverts Hope" where Philip Briscoe lives, 3 lots E. side Porttobacco also in Charles Town, MD all in possession of Dr Francis Parnham when he deid. Wit. Geo Dent L. Lancaster JP's.
24. Tax: 1783, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. (47) 1783 Tax List: Philip Brisco 275acres CH 2nd District, General p. 1 MSA S 1161-4-8 1/4/47 Philip Brisco, 'Calvert Hope, pt. 375 acres CH 2nd District. Land p 2 MSA S 1161-4-9 1/4/5/47
6 F Martharn "Martha" "Mary" BRISCOE Born: Christened: Died: 11 Jan 1793 - Frederick Co. Maryland, USA Buried: Spouse: Dr John HAW ( -1736) Marr. Date: Bef 1734 Spouse: Jonathan "John" WILSON ( - ) Marr. Date: 12 May 1738 Spouse: Marr. Date:
1. Descendants/
2. Heir: 1734, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. and his wife Eleanor. In his will John Briscoe left to wife Eliner dwelling plantation. To son John Baltimore's Gift on condition he make over his right in the third part of land belonging to father Williamson to sons Samuel & Hezekiah. To son James tract where mother Susanna dwells. To dau. Mary Haw 134 an in St. Mary's Co. To son Samuel & grandson Williamson Briscoe, personalty. Mentions 5 children: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekiah, and Martharn Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe. Wit. James Swaine, John Hayes, Andrew Chunn, Margaret Llewellin, Richard Bucknell. Creditors include Samuell & Williason Briscoe. Next of kin Samuell Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Extr Mrs Eleanor Briscoe Inv 18. 275 10 may 1734-14 Jun 1734
3. Heir: 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Will Susannah Briscoe grand daughter, Martha Wilson daughter John Wilson [Briscoe decd] feather bed, sheets, quilt, curtains;
4. Lease: 5 Sep 1738, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. 9/5/1738: Lease from John Llewellen of SMC, Gent. to Mary Haw of CC, widow for 21 years, pt. "West Wood Manor", now in her possession, 162 ac. beginning 12/25 next. Wit: Robert Yates, John Briscoe. (CC Land Rec.).
5. Heir: 1753, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Briscoe, Elinor, Charles Co Widow. 2 Feb 1753. To granddau Elinor Briscoe, dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe, Negro Philis. first Child of Philis to go to Mary Briscoe dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe. To grandson Hanson Briscoe son of Philip Chloe Briscoe. Negro boy Riswell and if he dies without issue then to his brother John Hanson Briscoe. To granddau Elinor Llewellin Briscoe, dau of Samuel and Margaret Briscoe 6 Silver Spoons. To granddaughter Elinor Wilson Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannh Briscoe, Negro girl Nan. To goddau Margarett Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannah Briscoe, Negro girl Henny. To grandson John Wilson, Negro Woman Moll. My wearing apparel to daus, Martha Wilson & Elizabeth Briscoe. To son Hezekiah Briscoe tract called "Retirement" lying part in St. Mary's and part in Charles Co Son Hezekiah Briscoe, ex. Wit. Andw. Chunn, John Compton, James Compton. 29.110
7 F Elizabeth BRISCOE Born: Christened: Died: 1794 - St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA Buried: Spouse: Leonard BRISCOE (Abt 1721-Abt 1793) (48) Marr. Date: 27 Feb 1743 - Maryland, USA (49) Spouse: Marr. Date:
1. Heir: 1734, St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. and his wife Eleanor. In his will John Briscoe left to wife Eliner dwelling plantation. To son John Baltimore's Gift on condition he make over his right in the third part of land belonging to father Williamson to sons Samuel & Hezekiah. To son James tract where mother Susanna dwells. To dau. Mary Haw 134 an in St. Mary's Co. To son Samuel & grandson Williamson Briscoe, personalty. Mentions 5 children: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekiah, and Martharn Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe. Wit. James Swaine, John Hayes, Andrew Chunn, Margaret Llewellin, Richard Bucknell. Creditors include Samuell & Williason Briscoe. Next of kin Samuell Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Extr Mrs Eleanor Briscoe Inv 18. 275 10 may 1734-14 Jun 1734
2. Heir: 1739, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. 1739:Will Susannah Briscoe grand daughter Elizabeth Briscoe cubbord
3. Mentioned: 1753, Charles Co., Maryland, USA. Briscoe, Elinor, Charles Co Widow. 2 Feb 1753. To granddau Elinor Briscoe, dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe, Negro Philis. first Child of Philis to go to Mary Briscoe dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe. To grandson Hanson Briscoe son of Philip Chloe Briscoe. Negro boy Riswell and if he dies without issue then to his brother John Hanson Briscoe. To granddau Elinor Llewellin Briscoe, dau of Samuel and Margaret Briscoe 6 Silver Spoons. To granddaughter Elinor Wilson Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannh Briscoe, Negro girl Nan. To goddau Margarett Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannah Briscoe, Negro girl Henny. To grandson John Wilson, Negro Woman Moll. My wearing apparel to daus, Martha Wilson & Elizabeth Briscoe. To son Hezekiah Briscoe tract called "Retirement" lying part in St. Mary's and part in Charles Co Son Hezekiah Briscoe, ex. Wit. Andw. Chunn, John Compton, James Compton. 29.110
4. She signed a will on 24 May 1793-24 May 1794 in St. Mary's Co., Maryland, USA. (50) Dau. Eleanor Mills, Susannah Briscoe, Gr. Child Samuel Compton, Margaret Compton, Susannah Compton, Philip Compton, Eleanor Compton, gr child Leonard Briscoe, Elizabeth Briscoe, Elizabeth Hazeltine, son Clement T Briscoe. Exer. Allen Sweeney & Wm. Compton
Marriage Notes to Henry Wharton 543a (6, 51)
Birth Notes for Child: Samuel Williamson BRISCOE 1755 25y
Birth Notes for Child: Hezekiah BRISCOE
gave age as 25yrs in 1735
Death Notes for Child: Hezekiah BRISCOE
account p..19 1755
Birth Notes for Child: Dr. Philip BRISCOE
1755 age 36y
Last Modified: 9 Jun 2002
Source Citations
1. Frierson, Sarah S, Leftwich-Briscoe ancestors, Recipient: Carol R Mitchell, Author E-mail: "Sarah S. Frierson" , (1998), descendant.
2. Baldwin, Jane; Roberta Bolling Henry, The Maryland Calendar of Wills 1703-1713, (Korn & Pollock, Baltimore, MD, 1907), Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 3 Low, Margrett,St. Mary'sgoddau. Hester Berree and to Matthew Williamson, husband'sgoddau. Elinor Gladen, goddau. Nickcolls and to KatheringGladine, personalty. Ex.: Samuel Williamson. Test: John Hayes,Elisha Summerhi.
3. Elise Greenup Jourdan, Early Families of Southern Maryland, Volumes: Vol. 4.
4. Elise Greenup Jourdan, Abstracts of Charles County Maryland Circuit Court & Land Records 1694-1722, Volumes: Vol. 3, (Family Line Publications, Rear 63 East Main St., Westminister, MD 21157, 1994), p.75: Liber C#2 p.79: 25 Dec 1706 Indenture Ann Ellson of Stto age 21 her only son Nicholas Ellson age 3 years and 9 mos asa servant to Briscoe one of the Justices of St Mary's Co. wit.Philip & Susannah Briscoe. taken from microfilm of Proceedings of the Charles County Circuit Court Records from the Archives of Maryland: 1694-1696 Q CR 35,694; 1702/3-1707 Z#1 CR 35,694; 1706-1712 C#2 CR 35,694; 1710-1713 D#2 CR 35,693; 1714-1716 F#2 CR 34,655;1716-1722 H#2 CR 35,694; Court Cases are not included. Frequently two names were used for the following landmarks: Mattawoman or St Thomas Creek, Chingamuxon or St. Michael's Creek, Nanjemy or Avon River, Baker's Creek or Pope's Creek, Piscataway River/Potomac River (C#2 105)
5. T.L.C. Genealogy, St. Mary's County, Maryland Administrative Accounts 1674-1720, (T.L.C. Genealogy, P.O.Box 403369, Miami Beach, FL 33140-1369, 1994), p.60:p196. acct Robert Parker & judith his wife admx of Benja4Aug 1710. p.4: p. 40: account of Mary Morris, administratrix of Jacob Morris, late of SM dec'd. Disbursements to: Mr Briscoe for phisick. made up 14 Aug (1674)
6. Charles County, Maryland, Land Records, 1722-1733, (T.L.C. Genealogy, PO Box 403369, Miami Beach, FL 33140-1369, 1994), p. 8-9: p. 24 Req Henry Wharton of St. Mary's Co 18 Jun 1722.Mary's Co. Gent. ... Thos Turner sold to John Briscoe on 3 Apr 1722 "Diggs Baltimore's Gift" 242a. for 14,000# tob. .. Wit Geo Dent, Gustavus Brown, Mrs Eleanor Briscoe wife of John releasedower. p.122. LiberM#2 p.221. At the request of George Keyth of CC the following lease was recorded 13 Jun 1730. Mar 25 1730 from Peter Carrico of CC planter to George Keyth of CC planter & Elizabeth his wife, for consideratins already reserved and herafter mentioned the lease of part of a parcel of land called Maidston, now in the possessin of sd Peter Carrico, situated on a branch of Piles Fresh bounded by a tract of land now in the possession of John Piggeon called New Bradford a tract of land in possession of Lawrence Lent called Canterbury containing 50a. George Keyth may cut down any timber or timber trees for the use of sd land (viz) for building, fencing, or tobacco hogshead, during term of 19 years, to commence from Dec 10 last past, in consideration of which George Keyth has paid Peter Carrico 2000 lbs of tobacco. Signed Peter Carrico. Wit. Jno Briscoe, Jno Howard. p.122. Liber M#2, p.220. At the request of George Keech of CC, the following lease was recorded this 11 Jun 1730. 8 Jun 1730 from Peter Carrico of CC, planter, to Abel Carrico of CC planter the lease of a part of a tract of land called Maidenstone, as he has in possession and has made improvements upon sd land, containing about 40a. This lease starts next Nov 1, and runs for 21 years. Abel Carrico may not have more than 1 person besides his own family for a crop of corn of tobacco, upon sd land. Abel Carrico shall not waste timber. Abel Carrico shall build what houses he has occasion of during sd term, at his own cost. The yearly rend is 500 lbs of tobacco and cast. Signed Peter Carrico. Wit. Jno Briscoe & Jno Howard. p.141. Liber M#2, p.288. The Mark of Gerrard Carrico of CC was recorded Jun 22, 1732. p. 50: p:227: At the request of Samuel Swann of CC. the deed rec Jul 9 1725. 19 Jun 1725 Philip Briscoe of St. Mary's Co. physician to Samuel Swann Carpenter for 5,000# tob tract of land formerly belongint to Edward Swann Sr being pt of a tract called "Egglestone" lying in CC & bounded as expressed in a deed of gift thereof to his dau. Susannah (to her made in consideration of her marriage) bounded by sd Edward's own line, containig about 80a. Signed Phill Briscoe Wit Jno Fendall, Jno Briscoe, deed ack by Philip Briscoe & his wife Elizabeth.
7. Wills of Charles County Maryland, Philip Briscoe Sr Willl 18:339 25 Apr 1724; 29 Jan 1724.
8. Josephine Lindsay Bass & Becky Bonner, [S1831] My Southern Family Home Page: Leon Wilde's Genealogical Research Website, Ward to Briscoe.
9. Bates, Marlene Strawser & Wright, F Edward, Early Charles County Maryland Settlers 1658-1745, (Family Line Publications, Rear 63 East Main St, Westminister, MD 21157, 1995), Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. Will. Briscoe, John Capt. Gent. and his wife Eleanor. In his will John Briscoe left to wife Eliner dwelling plantation. To son John Baltimore's Gift on condition he make over his right in the third part of land belonging to father Williamson to sons Samuel & Hezekiah. To son James tract where mother Susanna dwells. To dau. Mary Haw 134 a in St. Mary's Co. To son Samuel & grandson Williamson Briscoe, personalty. Mentions 5 children: Samuel, Philip, James, Hezekiah, and Martharn Briscoe & Elizabeth Briscoe. Wit. James Swaine, John Hayes, Andrew Chunn, Margaret Llewellin, Richard Bucknell. Creditors include Samuell & Williason Briscoe. Next of kin Samuell Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Extr Mrs Eleanor Briscoe Inv 18. 275 10 may 1734-14 Jun 1734. Chandler, Job gives testmony reguarding the death of Negro Called Antonio belonging to his brother Symon Overzee. That Overzee brought said Negro ca Mar 1656 to his plantation in Portoback Creek and there left him with his overseer Clement Theobalds to work with his other servants {Arch of MD. V XLI p. 205] Chapman, Thomas age 21y States he was hired in VA by Mr Pinner to serve at Portobacco with Edmond Lindsey; Lindsay sent him to Clement Theobalds 10 Feb 1662. (ct & Land B#1.67-71) Short, George age 17-18y. Servant of Clement Theobalds, 10 jan 1670 (ct & land E#1.1} Clement Theobalds, Mentions William Thomas. Admr. Penelope Morris. (acct: 8.275) 20 Jul 1662) "Killed by the strock of a horse". admr. Richard Morris (Acct 8.85; 1 Aug 1683) Inv. 4.507; 9 Ju; 4 Jul 1676: Clement Theobalds, Distribution to James Wheeler who married the widow of Thomas Corker. Administrator Thomas Corker dec. Elizabeth Wheeler executrix.
10. Maryland of Wills, Briscoe, John,Charles Co., 13th Jan., 1733; 8th Apr., 1734. Todecease to son Philip and hrs. and 1/3 of personal estate. Toson John and hrs., "Baltimore's Gift," where he now dwells, oncondition he make over his right in the third part of landbelonging t.
11. Lomax, John B , 1733 Charles County Maryland Tax List, Record Type: Tax, (1998), Briscoe Jno., Capt. 7Briscoe John 358 NE Briscoe Widow 461 NE.
12. Genealogical Recods: Maryland Probate Records 1674-1774, Subject: MD Probate Records, (Family Tree Maker, 199), Prerogative Court Abstracts, 1733-1738: Capt. John BriscoeJohn Chunn, Benjamin Chunn; Creditors: Samuel Williamson Briscoe, Williamson Hays: Next of Kin: Samuel Williamson Briscoe, John Briscoe. Executrix Mrs. Eleanor Briscoe.
13. Genealogical Records: Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin Vol. 1-38, Subject: MD Genealogy, (Family Tree Maker, Broderbund Banner Blue Div), Vol. 26 #4 Fall 1985, Charles Co. Administration Accounts Eleanor Briscoe exex. James Swann & Mary Coty & Andrew Chinn ofCharles Co Sure 12 Apr 1735.
14. Register of Maryland's Heraldic Families, Volume: Vol 1, Briscoe (Bryan) Boyd (1789-1873), widow of Major James BoydBryan (1748-1802), widow of Captain John Lewis (1745-1785),son of Gen. Andrew Lewis (d--1781). Martha Love was dau--ofHon. Samuel Love (1720-1785) and Mary Haw Love (d--1748).Samuel Love was son o.
15. Reno, Linda , Her MD Families, Recipient: (Fri, 20 Feb 1998).
16. Baldwin, Jane; Roberta Bolling Henry, The Maryland Calendar of Wills 1703-1713, (Korn & Pollock, Baltimore, MD, 1907), Maryland Calendar of Wills: Volume 3 Low, Margrett. Volume 3 Low, Margrett,St. Mary's Co., 19th Feb., 1711; 3rd Apr., 1711. To Ellinor Briscoe and goddau. Hester Berree and to Matthew Williamson, husband's goddau. Elinor Gladen, goddau. Nickcolls and to Kathering Gladine, personalty. Ex.: Samuel Williamson. Test: John Hayes, Elisha Summerhill, John Pratt, Philip Briscoe, Jr. 13. 238.
17. Genealogical Recods: Maryland Probate Records 1674-1774, Subject: MD Probate Records, (Family Tree Maker, 199), Calendar of Wills, Vol II 1753-1760: Briscoe, Elinor. Calendar of Wills, Vol II 1753-1760: Briscoe, Elinor, Charles Co Widow. 2 Feb 1753. To granddau Elinor Briscoe, dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe, Negro Philis. first Child of Philis to go to Mary Briscoe dau of Leonard and Elizabeth Briscoe. To grandson Hanson Briscoe son of Philip Chloe Briscoe. Negro boy Riswell and if he dies without issue then to his brother John Hanson Briscoe. To granddau Elinor Llewellin Briscoe, dau of Samuel and Margaret Briscoe 6 Silver Spoons. To granddaughter Elinor Wilson Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannh Briscoe, Negro girl Nan. To goddau Margarett Briscoe dau of Hezekiah and Susannah Briscoe, Negro girl Henny. To grandson John Wilson, Negro Woman Moll. My wearing apparel to daus, Martha Wilson & Elizabeth Briscoe. To son Hezekiah Briscoe tract called "Retirement" lying part in St. Mary's and part in Charles Co Son Hezekiah Briscoe, ex. Wit. Andw. Chunn, John Compton, James Compton. 29.110.
18. Charles County, Maryland, Rent Roll of 1753, (TLC Genealogy, PO Box 403369, Miami Beach FL 33140-1369, 1998), The Rent Roll of Charles Co. to Michaelmass 1753. P. 55:. The Rent Roll of Charles Co. to Michaelmass 1753. P. 55: MorrAdventure 700 acres Surveyed 17 May 1665 for Richard Morris on the north side of a swamp that falls into Birds Cr. Posser. 700a Eleanor Briscoe. p. 127-8. "Addition to Maidstone" 115 acres surveyed [nothing follows] Poss(r): 115 Peter Carrico. This land is included in Maidstone, which is an elder survey This land is not entered in the Revenue Office Books, G. Lee, Far (?) 1768." p. 61 "p. 76. Maidstone. 100 acres Surveyed Nov 8, 1673 for John HUNT at a vounded white oak, a |