The Shemwell Family

Thomas W ShemwellAge: 77 years18001877

Thomas W Shemwell
Given names
Thomas W
Birth July 1800 30 30
Death of a motherMary Suit
1801 (Age 6 months)
Marriage of a parentZachariah ShemwellSusan Jemimah WhatleyView this family
September 6, 1802 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a half-sisterMary Elizabeth Shemwell
about 1809 (Age 8 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherMary Jane Higgs
1810 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a half-sisterJemima Shemwell
1814 (Age 13 years)

Birth of a half-brotherJohn P Shemwell
about 1815 (Age 14 years)
Birth of a half-sisterMaletha Shemwell
1818 (Age 17 years)
Birth of a half-brotherJoseph Shemwell
about 1822 (Age 21 years)

Birth of a half-brotherWilliam Alexander Shemwell
about 1825 (Age 24 years)
Death of a fatherZachariah Shemwell
1826 (Age 25 years)
Birth of a son
William H Shemwell
August 10, 1832 (Age 32 years)
Note: Believe birth date on military headstone is incorrect (1832). Born abt 1836? or we might have another William H Shemwell.
MarriageMartha CherryView this family
February 5, 1835 (Age 34 years)
Birth of a daughter
Georgia Ann Shemwell
October 23, 1835 (Age 35 years)

Death of a daughterGeorgia Ann Shemwell
October 26, 1835 (Age 35 years)

Birth of a daughter
Clerinda Maletha Shemwell
December 14, 1838 (Age 38 years)
Census June 1, 1840 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a son
Zachariah Thomas Shemwell
November 2, 1840 (Age 40 years)

Death of a sonZachariah Thomas Shemwell
November 2, 1840 (Age 40 years)

Census 1840 (Age 39 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mary Ann Narcissus “May” Shemwell
June 23, 1842 (Age 41 years)
Death of a wifeMartha Cherry
February 21, 1845 (Age 44 years)

Death of a half-brotherJoseph Shemwell
February 19, 1847 (Age 46 years)
Cause: Fever
Census June 1, 1850 (Age 49 years)
MarriageMildred Elizabeth “Millie” ArmstrongView this family
January 11, 1853 (Age 52 years)
Marriage of a childWilliam M Riggins Jr.Clerinda Maletha ShemwellView this family
Type: Civil marriage
December 22, 1853 (Age 53 years)

JR Hooks vs John Shemwell Lawsuit
1853 (Age 52 years)

Birth of a daughter
Elizabeth Demarious “Bette” Shemwell
December 31, 1854 (Age 54 years)
Birth of a son
John A Shemwell
December 3, 1855 (Age 55 years)
Birth of a grandson
Walthen P Riggins
about 1855 (Age 54 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Annie E Riggins
January 31, 1857 (Age 56 years)
Death of a half-sisterJemima Shemwell
June 1, 1857 (Age 56 years)
Cause: Congestive chills
Birth of a son
Thomas Allen Shemwell
December 20, 1857 (Age 57 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Martha Earl Riggins
June 30, 1858 (Age 57 years)
Birth of a son
Joseph Mason Shemwell
July 17, 1859 (Age 59 years)
Note: or Tennessee
Census October 5, 1860 (Age 60 years)
Birth of a daughter
Alice M Shemwell
April 25, 1862 (Age 61 years)
Birth of a daughter
Mahala May “Ella” Shemwell
May 24, 1864 (Age 63 years)
Birth of a grandson
William Riggins
March 1, 1866 (Age 65 years)
Birth of a son
Henry Isaac Shamwell
October 14, 1867 (Age 67 years)
Birth of a grandson
Thomas Magus Riggins
August 28, 1868 (Age 68 years)
Birth of a daughter
Ann C Shemwell
January 15, 1869 (Age 68 years)
Census June 1, 1870 (Age 69 years)
Birth of a granddaughter
Fannie Bell Riggins
November 1870 (Age 70 years)
Birth of a daughter
Susan Shemwell
May 12, 1871 (Age 70 years)
Death of a daughterClerinda Maletha Shemwell
1872 (Age 71 years)
Birth of a grandson
William Santford Shemwell
June 15, 1873 (Age 72 years)
Death of a half-brotherWilliam Alexander Shemwell
between 1870 and 1875 (Age 69 years)

Death July 20, 1877 (Age 77 years)
Family with parents - View this family
Mary Suit
Birth: 1770St. Mary's, Maryland, United States
Death: 1801Granville, North Carolina, United States
Marriage: July 23, 1794Granville, North Carolina, United States
Father’s family with Susan Jemimah Whatley - View this family
Marriage: September 6, 1802Logan, Kentucky, United States
7 years
6 years
2 years
4 years
5 years
Joseph Shemwell
Birth: about 1822 52 40
Death: February 19, 1847Dover, Stewart, Tennessee, United States
4 years
Family with Martha Cherry - View this family
Marriage: February 5, 1835Stewart, Tennessee, United States
-3 years
William H Shemwell
Birth: August 10, 1832 32 19Tennessee, United States
Death: December 25, 1912Stewart, Tennessee, United States
3 years
3 years
23 months
20 months
Family with Mildred Elizabeth “Millie” Armstrong - View this family
Marriage: January 11, 1853Stewart, Tennessee, United States
2 years
11 months
John A Shemwell
Birth: December 3, 1855 55 24Trigg, Kentucky, United States
Death: before 1910Kentucky, United States
2 years
Thomas Allen Shemwell
Birth: December 20, 1857 57 26Trigg, Kentucky, United States
Death: April 22, 1940McCracken, Kentucky, United States
19 months
3 years
Alice M Shemwell
Birth: April 25, 1862 61 30Trigg, Kentucky, United States
Death: November 20, 1907Long Hollow, Trigg, Kentucky, United States
2 years
Mahala May “Ella” Shemwell
Birth: May 24, 1864 63 32Christian, Kentucky, United States
Death: February 9, 1934Trigg, Kentucky, United States
3 years
15 months
2 years

Thomas W Shemwell has 45 first cousins recorded

Father's family (41)

Parents John “Jack” Parham Jr. + Mary “Molly” Shemwell
1Rebecca Parham17931884
2Johnson Parham17941846
3Allen B Parham17981871
6Shemwell Parham18031880
Parents Joseph Hudspeth + Anna Margaret Shemwell
Parents Osborn McGehee + Rebecca Shemwell
1Anna McGehee17981884
2John McGehee18001875
4Nancy McGehee18121908
Parents James Shemwell Jr. + Barbara Suit
2William Shemwell18001870
3Ann Shemwell18021889
Parents James Shemwell Jr. + Elizabeth “Betsey” Ashbourn
Parents Samuel James Shemwell + Jane “Jenny” Dickerson
1James Shemwell17981849
2Nancy Shemwell18001855
3Thomas Shemwell18011850
5Samuel Shemwell18091881
6Jane Shemwell18111862
Parents Samuel James Kittrell Jr + Ellender “Nellie” Shemwell
3Solomon Kittrell18071872
4Joseph Kittrell18091840
5Samuel B Kittrell18201854
Parents Joseph M Shemwell + Mariam Jones “Milly” Whatley
8Mary Ann Shemwell18261890

Mother's family (4)

Parents James Shemwell Jr. + Barbara Suit
2William Shemwell18001870
3Ann Shemwell18021889
Census1850 United States - Census transcript - Lemuel G. Cherry - Household

Montgomery, Tennessee

Lemuel G. Cherry46MFarmerNC
Delilah Dodd35FTN
Elizabeth Cherry21FTN
William T. B. Cherry19MTN
Francis J. Cherry13FTN
James E. Cherry11MTN
Handwell Cherry8FTN
Andrew Cherry7MTN
Isabella T. Cherry6FTN
Valentine M. Cherry5MTN
George B. Cherry3MTN
Margaret Cherry1FTN
Thomas W. Shemwell50MTN
Thomas Wray17MTN
Matthew Barnes21MTN
Robert Jackson37MTN

Census1860 United States - Census transcript - Thomas W. Shemwell - Household

Cadiz, Trigg, KY

T W Shemwell60MWBrickmasonKentucky, USA
M Shemwell30FWKentucky, USA
E D Shemwell7FWKentucky, USA
J A Shemwell5MWKentucky, USA
T A Shemwell3MWKentucky, USA
J Shemwell1MWKentucky, USA

Census1870 United States - Census transcript - Thomas W. Shemwell - Household

Roaring Springs, Trigg, Kentucky, USA

Shemwell, Thomas W68MWBrickmasonTN
Shemwell, Milly39FWKeeping houseKY
Shemwell, Elizabeth16FWTN
Shemwell, John A14MWWorks on farmKY
Shemwell, Thomas12MWWorks on farmKY
Shemwell, Joseph10MWWorks on farmKY
Shemwell, Alice8FWKY
Shemwell, Mahala6FWKY
Shemwell, Henry E3MWKY
Shemwell, Ann1FWKY

He was a brickmason by trade.
Thomas W. and Martha Cherry's kids were living with Henry Cherry & Malitha in the 1850 census.