The Shemwell Family

Mary Elizabeth ShemwellAge: 22 years18941917

Mary Elizabeth Shemwell
Given names
Mary Elizabeth
Also known as
Mary Stites
Married name
Mary Elizabeth Pace
Birth November 1894 21 19
Death of a fatherEdward Lee Shemwell
December 7, 1896 (Age 2 years)
Cause: Consumption
Marriage of a parentProf. Horace Luster StitesAlma M CockrellView this family
September 11, 1899 (Age 4 years)
Census June 16, 1900 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a half-brotherHugh Dinsmore Stites
September 16, 1900 (Age 5 years)
Birth of a half-sisterHelen Stites
1905 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a half-brotherRichard M Stites
August 6, 1907 (Age 12 years)
Census April 14, 1910 (Age 15 years)
Nurse's Training
October 1912 (Age 17 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherWilliam David Shemwell
August 26, 1913 (Age 18 years)
Address: Confederate Home
Cause: Cancer of the Liver
Religious marriageLouis Marcus PaceView this family
January 18, 1914 (Age 19 years)
Death July 9, 1917 (Age 22 years)
Burial 1917 (Age 22 years)
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Fairview Cemetery
Family with parents - View this family
Edward Lee Shemwell
Birth: February 15, 1873 26 23Cooper, Missouri, United States
Death: December 7, 1896Blackwater, Cooper, Missouri, United States
Marriage: September 11, 1893
15 months
Mary Elizabeth Shemwell
Birth: November 1894 21 19Cooper, Missouri, United States
Death: July 9, 1917Pryor, Mayes, Oklahoma, United States
Mother’s family with Prof. Horace Luster Stites - View this family
Marriage: September 11, 1899Pilot Grove, Cooper, Missouri, United States
Divorce: after February 1920
1 year
Hugh Dinsmore Stites
Birth: September 16, 1900 38 25Pilot Grove, Cooper, Missouri, United States
Death: November 5, 1960Oregon, United States
5 years
3 years
Richard M Stites
Birth: August 6, 1907 44 32Pilot Grove, Cooper, Missouri, United States
Death: August 28, 1984Forest Grove, Washington, Oregon, United States
Family with Louis Marcus Pace - View this family
Mary Elizabeth Shemwell
Birth: November 1894 21 19Cooper, Missouri, United States
Death: July 9, 1917Pryor, Mayes, Oklahoma, United States
Marriage: January 18, 1914Muskogee, Oklahoma, United States

Mary Elizabeth Shemwell has 14 first cousins recorded

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - Prof. Horace L Stites - Household

Pilot Grove, Cooper, Missouri

Stites, HorusheadWMAug186138M0MOTNTNFarmer
Stites, Alma MwifeWFDec187425M011MOKYKY
Stites, AudradaughterWFNov18936SMOMOMO
Stites, MarydaughterWFNov18945SMOMOMO
Rentchler, BarryservantWMJUN184525SNYNYNY

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Prof. Horace Luster Stites - Household

Band Street Canadian, Pittsburg, Oklahoma

Stites, Horace LheadMW47M210MOTNTNTeacherHigh School
Stites, AlmawifeFW36M210MOKYKY
Stites, AudreydaughterFW16SMOMOMO
Stites, HughsonMW9SMOMOMO
Stites, RichardsonMW2SMOMOMO
Shemwell, Marystep daughterFW15SMOMOMO