Emily BakerAge: 5 months1877–1877
- Name
- Emily Baker
- Given names
- Emily
- Surname
- Baker
![]() | April 6, 1877 55 41 |
![]() | October 1, 1877 (Age 5 months) |
Family with parents |
father |
William Baker Birth: June 18, 1821 — England Death: July 16, 1898 — Red Rock, Mower, Minnesota, United States |
mother |
Emily Belinda Streeter Birth: November 5, 1835 27 22 — Troy, Albany, New York, United States Death: May 26, 1922 — Eureka, Lincoln, Montana, United States |
Marriage: October 17, 1870 — Austin, Mower, Minnesota, United States |
1 year elder brother |
John William “Billy” Baker Birth: October 20, 1871 50 35 — Shell Rock, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States Death: January 20, 1948 — Eureka, Lincoln, Montana, United States |
16 months elder sister |
Anna Laura “Annie” Baker Birth: February 9, 1873 51 37 — Shell Rock, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States Death: January 28, 1935 — Eureka, Lincoln, Montana, United States |
3 years elder sibling |
Infant Baker Birth: November 28, 1875 54 40 — Shell Rock, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States Death: November 28, 1875 — Shell Rock, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States |
16 months herself |
Emily Baker Birth: April 6, 1877 55 41 — Shell Rock, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States Death: October 1, 1877 — Shell Rock, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States |
1 year younger brother |
Infant Baker Birth: April 6, 1878 56 42 — Shell Rock, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States Death: April 8, 1878 — Shell Rock, Freeborn, Minnesota, United States |
Father’s family with Margaret Akin |
father |
William Baker Birth: June 18, 1821 — England Death: July 16, 1898 — Red Rock, Mower, Minnesota, United States |
step-mother |
Margaret Akin Birth: July 15, 1822 — Beaver, Pennsylvania, United States Death: December 6, 1852 — Macon, Bureau, Illinois, United States |
Marriage: January 1, 1852 — Bureau, Illinois, United States |
half-sister |
Mary Ann Baker Birth: January 4, 1852 30 29 — Illinois, United States Death: January 27, 1881 — Mower, Minnesota, United States |
Father’s family with Rhoda Jane Miles |
father |
William Baker Birth: June 18, 1821 — England Death: July 16, 1898 — Red Rock, Mower, Minnesota, United States |
step-mother |
Rhoda Jane Miles Birth: Ohio, United States Death: before 1870 |
Marriage: December 7, 1865 — Mower, Minnesota, United States |
14 months half-sister |
Dora Baker Birth: February 8, 1867 45 — Cedar, Mower, Minnesota, United States Death: February 13, 1952 — Garner, Hancock, Iowa, United States |