Shirley Leola GravattAge: 78 years1928–2007
- Name
- Shirley Leola Gravatt
- Given names
- Shirley Leola
- Surname
- Gravatt
- Married name
- Shirley Leola Nash
Birth | September 18, 1928 |
Census | April 15, 1950 (Age 21 years) |
Death of a husband | Leslie Rudolph Nash October 2, 2002 (Age 74 years) |
Death | September 16, 2007 (Age 78 years) |
Family with Leslie Rudolph Nash |
husband |
Leslie Rudolph Nash Birth: August 2, 1921 24 25 — Erin, Houston, Tennessee, United States Death: October 2, 2002 — Granite City, Madison, Illinois, United States |
herself |
Shirley Leola Gravatt Birth: September 18, 1928 — Steelville, Crawford, Missouri, United States Death: September 16, 2007 — Granite City, Madison, Illinois, United States |
daughter |
Private |
daughter |
Private |
No family available
Census | 1950 United States - Census transcript - Leslie Rudolph Nash - Household
2828 Victory Granite City, Madison, Illinois