The Shemwell Family

Philip Anderson BarnettAge: 40 years18711911

Philip Anderson Barnett
Given names
Philip Anderson
Birth January 11, 1871 33 29
Birth of a brotherJohn Aleck Barnett
July 16, 1874 (Age 3 years)
Birth of a sisterJosephine Emily Barnett
May 2, 1878 (Age 7 years)
Death of a sisterDilla A Barnett
before 1880 (Age 8 years)
Note: Was in 1870 Census but not in 1880 Census
Birth of a sisterCatherine “Kate” Barnett
February 21, 1880 (Age 9 years)
Birth of a sisterBessie Barnett
May 16, 1880 (Age 9 years)
Census June 10, 1880 (Age 9 years)
Death of a maternal grandfatherPhilip Harvey
August 31, 1881 (Age 10 years)
Birth of a sisterRuth Barnett
July 11, 1882 (Age 11 years)
Death of a paternal grandfatherThomas William Barnett
October 29, 1882 (Age 11 years)
Birth of a sisterCandace T Barnett
October 28, 1883 (Age 12 years)
Death of a paternal grandmotherEmily Mary “Polly” Troutman
January 7, 1891 (Age 19 years)
Name: Mary Barnett Sex: Female Age: 74 yr Race: W Event Type: Death Event Date: 07 Jan 1891 Event Place: Frankfort, Indiana Birth Year (Estimated): 1817 Affiliate Repository Place: City Health Office Frankfort Source Reference: The source of this record is the book CH-5 on page 13 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Note: "Wife of Thomas W Barnett, Aged 72y, 11m, 19d""
Death of a half-sisterMary Isabella Barnett
October 26, 1892 (Age 21 years)
Name: Mary Bell Dawson Sex: Female Age: 31 yr Death Date: 26 Oct 1892 Death Place: Kewanna, Indiana Race: W Event Type: Death Birth Year (Estimated): 1861 Affiliate Repository Place: County Clerk Office, City Health Office Rochester Source Reference: The source of this record is the book C-16 on page 3 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
MarriageNellie FitzgeraldView this family
November 19, 1892 (Age 21 years)
Name: Phillip A Barnett Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Nellie Fitzgerald Spouse's Sex: Female Marriage Place: Fulton, Indiana Marriage License Date: 19 Nov 1892 Marriage License Place: Fulton, Indiana, United States Event Type: Marriage License Record Number: 590 Page: 24 Number of Images: 1
Birth of a son
Victor Fitzgerald Barnett
May 12, 1893 (Age 22 years)
Birth of a daughter
Helen Louise Barnett
August 27, 1895 (Age 24 years)
Census June 2, 1900 (Age 29 years)
Death of a wifeNellie Fitzgerald
February 17, 1906 (Age 35 years)
Name: Nellie Barnett Sex: Female Age: 33 yr Death Date: 17 Feb 1906 Death Place: Rochester, Indiana Race: W Event Type: Death Birth Year (Estimated): 1873 Affiliate Repository Place: County Clerk Office, City Health Office Rochester Source Reference: The source of this record is the book C-5 on page 40 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Census April 15, 1910 (Age 39 years)
Death August 8, 1911 (Age 40 years)
Name: Phillip A. Barnett Sex: Male Age: 40 yr Death Date: 08 Aug 1911 Death Place: Kewanna, Indiana Race: W Event Type: Death Birth Year (Estimated): 1871 Affiliate Repository Place: County Clerk Office, City Health Office Rochester Source Reference: The source of this record is the book C-18 on page 43 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Cemetery - also add to Place of burial: Barnett Cemetery
Note: "Co. K. 158 Ind. Inf., Spanish American War"
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: February 14, 1867Fulton, Indiana, United States
2 years
elder sister
Dilla A Barnett
Birth: May 7, 1869 31 27Indiana, United States
Death: before 1880Indiana, United States
20 months
Philip Anderson Barnett
Birth: January 11, 1871 33 29Rochester, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: August 8, 1911Kewanna, Fulton, Indiana, United States
4 years
younger brother
John Aleck Barnett
Birth: July 16, 1874 36 32Kewanna, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: March 2, 1950Rochester, Fulton, Indiana, United States
4 years
younger sister
22 months
younger sister
3 months
younger sister
2 years
younger sister
Ruth Barnett
Birth: July 11, 1882 44 40Indiana, United States
Death: February 4, 1979Kewanna, Fulton, Indiana, United States
16 months
younger sister
Father’s family with Sarah Ann Gordon - View this family
Sarah Ann Gordon
Birth: April 30, 1842 25 27Somerset, Washington, Pennsylvania, United States
Death: December 3, 1864Fulton, Indiana, United States
Marriage: March 18, 1860Fulton, Indiana, United States
21 months
3 years
J William Barnett
Birth: about 1864 26 21Fulton, Indiana, United States
Family with Nellie Fitzgerald - View this family
Philip Anderson Barnett
Birth: January 11, 1871 33 29Rochester, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: August 8, 1911Kewanna, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Nellie Fitzgerald
Birth: June 9, 1872 38 31Rochester, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: February 17, 1906Rochester, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Marriage: November 19, 1892Fulton, Indiana, United States
6 months
Victor Fitzgerald Barnett
Birth: May 12, 1893 22 20Rochester, Fulton, Indiana, United States
Death: February 26, 1968Tulsa, Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States
2 years

Philip Anderson Barnett has 30 first cousins recorded

MarriageIndiana Marriages, 1811-2019
Name: Phillip A Barnett Sex: Male Spouse's Name: Nellie Fitzgerald Spouse's Sex: Female Marriage Place: Fulton, Indiana Marriage License Date: 19 Nov 1892 Marriage License Place: Fulton, Indiana, United States Event Type: Marriage License Record Number: 590 Page: 24 Number of Images: 1
DeathIndiana Death Index, 1882-1920
Name: Phillip A. Barnett Sex: Male Age: 40 yr Death Date: 08 Aug 1911 Death Place: Kewanna, Indiana Race: W Event Type: Death Birth Year (Estimated): 1871 Affiliate Repository Place: County Clerk Office, City Health Office Rochester Source Reference: The source of this record is the book C-18 on page 43 within the series produced by the Indiana Works Progress Administration.
Census1880 United States - Census transcript - John Anderson Barnett - Household

ED 43 Union, Fulton, Indiana, United States

Barnett, JohnWM42headMFarmerINOHKY
Barnett, NancyWF38wifeMKeeping HouseINININ
Barnett, BelleWF19daughterSSchool TeacherININPA
Barnett, WillieWM16sonSFarm LaborerININPA
Barnett, PhilipWM9sonSINININ
Barnett, JohnWM5sonSINININ
Barnett, JosieWF2daughterSINININ
Barnett, KateWF0 years 3 monthsFebdaughterSINININ
Rohrer, MaryWF18servantSDomestic ServantIAMDVA

Census1900 United States - Census transcript - John Anderson Barnett - Household

ED 43 Union, Fulton, Indiana, United States

Barnett, John AheadWMNov183763M33INOHKYFarmer0YesYesYesOFF
Barnett, Nancy AwifeWFAug184159M33117INININYesYesYes
Barnett, Philip AsonWMJul187228SINININFarm Laborer0YesYesYes
Barnett, BessdaughterWFMay188119SINININ8YesYesYes
Barnett, RuthdaughterWFJul188218SINININ0YesYesYes
Barnett, CandacedaughterWFOct188317SINININ6YesYesYes

Census1910 United States - Census transcript - Philip Anderson Barnett - Household

Los Angeles, California, United States

Barnett, Philip AroomerMW39WdINININEnglishIron WorkerFoundryWNo0YesYes

"Co. K. 158 Ind. Inf., Spanish American War"