Elizabeth ThorneAge: 94 years1693–1788
- Name
- Elizabeth Thorne
- Given names
- Elizabeth
- Surname
- Thorne
- Married name
- Elizabeth Shemwell
Birth | August 2, 1693 23 19 |
Birth of a brother | John Thorne 1696 (Age 2 years) |
Birth of a brother | William Thorne Jr. 1700 (Age 6 years) |
Birth of a brother | Benjamin Thorne 1702 (Age 8 years) |
Birth of a brother | James Thorne 1711 (Age 17 years) |
Birth of a son #1 | William Shemwell about 1712 (Age 18 years) |
Birth of a sister | Mary Thorne 1712 (Age 18 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | John Gilliam September 16, 1712 (Age 19 years) |
Birth of a son #2 | Jonathan Shemwell estimated 1725 (Age 31 years) |
Marriage | Isaac Shemwell — View this family before 1727 (Age 33 years) Note: Some research indicates wife may have been Mary or another daughter of William |
Birth of a son #3 | James Shemwell Sr. 1727 (Age 33 years) |
Birth of a son #4 | Joseph Shemwell before 1731 (Age 37 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #1 | Rebeckah Hannah Shemwell about 1732 (Age 38 years) |
Marriage of a child | William Shemwell — Priscilla Locke — View this family about 1732 (Age 38 years) |
Death of a brother | Absalom Thorne 1735 (Age 41 years) |
Death of a father | William Thorne Sr. November 15, 1737 (Age 44 years) |
Death of a mother | Mary Gilliam November 22, 1737 (Age 44 years) |
Death of a brother | John Thorne before June 10, 1749 (Age 55 years) |
Birth of a grandson #2 | Joseph Shemwell 1750 (Age 56 years) |
Birth of a grandson #3 | William Shemwell before 1755 (Age 61 years) |
Birth of a grandson #4 | Isaac Shemwell Jr. between 1750 and 1759 (Age 56 years) |
Birth of a grandson #5 | Elisha Shemwell between 1756 and 1765 (Age 62 years) |
Death of a husband | Isaac Shemwell after 1760 (Age 66 years) |
Marriage of a child | James Shemwell Sr. — Mary Jane Higgs — View this family before 1765 (Age 71 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #6 | Mary “Molly” Shemwell 1765 (Age 71 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #7 | Susanna “Susan” Shemwell about 1766 (Age 72 years) |
Death of a brother | Benjamin Thorne before June 9, 1766 (Age 72 years) |
Death of a son | Joseph Shemwell July 17, 1766 (Age 72 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #8 | Priscilla Shemwell before 1767 (Age 73 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #9 | Mary Shemwell before 1767 (Age 73 years) |
Death of a brother | James Thorne before March 6, 1767 (Age 73 years) Shared note: Family of William Thorne |
Birth of a grandson #10 | Zachariah Shemwell 1770 (Age 76 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #11 | Anna Margaret Shemwell about October 1771 (Age 78 years) Note: or Charles Co. Maryland |
Birth of a granddaughter #12 | Ann “Nancy” Shemwell 1771 (Age 77 years) |
Birth of a granddaughter #13 | Rebecca Shemwell about 1774 (Age 80 years) |
Death of a son | William Shemwell December 1774 (Age 81 years) Note: Probate 02 JAN 1775 |
Birth of a grandson #14 | James Shemwell Jr. about 1775 (Age 81 years) |
Birth of a grandson #15 | Samuel James Shemwell February 1, 1776 (Age 82 years) Note: BORN: Old date: 19 FEB 1775 |
Birth of a granddaughter #16 | Ellender “Nellie” Shemwell September 20, 1780 (Age 87 years) |
Birth of a grandson #17 | Joseph M Shemwell April 25, 1783 (Age 89 years) |
Marriage of a child | Isaac Shemwell — Nancy … — View this family before 1788 (Age 94 years) |
Death | 1788 (Age 94 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
William Thorne Sr. Birth: about 1670 — Annapolis, Maryland, United States Death: November 15, 1737 — Charles, Maryland, United States |
mother |
Mary Gilliam Birth: 1674 — St. Mary's, Maryland, United States Death: November 22, 1737 — Charles, Maryland, United States |
Marriage: 1690 — Annapolis, Anne Arundel, Maryland, United States |
1 year elder brother |
Absalom Thorne Birth: 1690 20 16 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: 1735 — Charles, Maryland, United States |
7 years younger brother |
John Thorne Birth: 1696 26 22 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: before June 10, 1749 — Charles, Maryland, United States |
5 years younger brother |
William Thorne Jr. Birth: 1700 30 26 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: |
3 years younger brother |
Benjamin Thorne Birth: 1702 32 28 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: before June 9, 1766 — Charles, Maryland, United States |
10 years younger brother |
James Thorne Birth: 1711 41 37 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: before March 6, 1767 — Prince George's, Maryland, United States |
-17 years herself |
Elizabeth Thorne Birth: August 2, 1693 23 19 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: 1788 — St. Mary's, St. Mary's, Maryland, United States |
19 years younger sister |
Mary Thorne Birth: 1712 42 38 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: |
Family with Isaac Shemwell |
husband |
Isaac Shemwell Birth: before 1695 — St. Mary's, Maryland, United States Death: after 1760 — St. Mary's, Maryland, United States |
herself |
Elizabeth Thorne Birth: August 2, 1693 23 19 — Charles, Maryland, United States Death: 1788 — St. Mary's, St. Mary's, Maryland, United States |
Marriage: before 1727 — St. Mary's, Maryland, United States |
-14 years son |
William Shemwell Birth: about 1712 17 18 — Maryland, United States Death: December 1774 — St. Mary's, Maryland, United States |
14 years son |
Jonathan Shemwell Birth: estimated 1725 30 31 — Maryland, United States Death: |
3 years son |
James Shemwell Sr. Birth: 1727 32 33 — St. Mary's, Maryland, United States Death: February 18, 1797 — Granville, North Carolina, United States |
5 years son |
Joseph Shemwell Birth: before 1731 36 37 — St. Mary's, Maryland, United States Death: July 17, 1766 — St. Mary's, Maryland, United States |
son |
Isaac Shemwell Death: before 1805 — Rowan, North Carolina, United States |
Elizabeth Thorne has 0 first cousins recorded
Father's family (0)
Mother's family (0)
Marriage | Some research indicates wife may have been Mary or another daughter of William |