The Shemwell Family

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Interactive tree of Anna Louisa Daugherty

Robert Dale Oswalt 18901963
Mary Josephine Oswalt 18921963
Senora Callie Oswalt 18931973
Lillie Maye Oswalt 18941944
Mollie Lee Oswalt 18961973
Stella Bell Oswalt 18981979
James Silis Oswalt 19001973
Zee Oswalt 19021986
Infant Oswalt 19051906
Meady Louise Oswalt 19071993
William Ray Oswalt 19091994
Anna Louisa Daugherty 18711952
Meady Pleasant Oswalt 18651943
James Monroe Daugherty 18501932
Mary Josephine Daugherty 18521887
Margaret Frances McBride 18621934
George Washington Daugherty 18071861
Francis “Fanny” McGehee 18181893
William Daugherty 17601836
Sarah Priscilla “Sallie” Bunch 17751855
Osborn McGehee 17711857
Sarah Rebecca Shemwell 17741857
Nathaniel McGehee Sr 17291803
Nelly Lynch Martin 17401803
James Shemwell Sr. 17271797
Mary Jane Higgs 17501810