Mary E Sullivan (nee Barnett) Obituary and Family Listing
Shared note | Mary E Sullivan (nee Barnett) Obituary and Family Listing
Mrs. R. E. Sullivan Dies at Farm Home
Mrs. R. E. Sullivan died this morning at her home about two miles south of Iola. She was 69 years
Mrs. Sullivan was born in the Prairie Dell community and had lived in Allen county all of her life.
She was a member of the M. I. C. club and the First Methodist church, Iola.
She leaves her husband at the home, a sister, Mrs. Florence Mc-Kinney, Colorado Springs, and five brothers, Elmer Barnett, Iola, Harry and Russell Barnett, Nevada, Mo..N. R. Barnett, Detroit, Michigan, and Ralph Barnett, Wichita.
Funeral arrangements have not been completed and will be announced later by the Waugh Funeral home.