The Shemwell Family

Robert Russell Barnett Obituary and Family Listing

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Robert Russell Barnett Obituary and Family Listing Iola Register, 3 Mar 1922, Fri, Page 3 Robert Russell Barnett, son of H C and Ola (Fryer) Barnett, was born in Yoakum, Texas, Nov 25, 1916, departed this life March 2, 1922, age 5 years, 3 months and 5 days. He leaves to mourn his loss his father and mother, three grandparents, Mr and Mrs G W Fryer and W. T. Barnett besides several aunts and cousins. His younger brother, Glen, was stricken with diptheria and passed on December 5, 1921. Little Bob contracted diptheria January 14, 1922 from which he never fully recovered until he was called to meet his three little brothers over there. Funeral services will be held from the Sleeper and Ralston chapel Saturday morning at 10 o'clock with the Rev. W. L. Harris officiating. Burial will be made in the Old cemetery.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Glen E Barnett
1918107Kansas, United States0December 5, 19211033Kansas, United States-Unknown
Harry Clay Barnett
October 16, 1883141Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States4March 13, 19655981Kansas, United States-Unknown
Infant Barnett
September 11, 1914110Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas, United States0September 11, 19141100Corpus Christi, Nueces, Texas, United States-Unknown
William T Barnett
June 26, 1916108Kansas, United States0July 15, 19161080Kansas, United States-Unknown
William Thomas Barnett
November 20, 1844180Fulton, Indiana, United States10January 27, 19339288Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Hattie Mary Brown
Hattie Mary Fryer
March 21, 1866158Allen, Kansas, United States1October 23, 192310157Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States-Unknown
George W Fryer
June 16, 1858166Adams, Illinois, United States1August 12, 19408482Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Ola Fay Fryer
Ola Fay Barnett
March 25, 1886138Allen, Kansas, United States4December 12, 192210236Kansas, United States-Unknown