The Shemwell Family

Henry Clay Barnett Obituary and Family Listing

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Henry Clay Barnett Obituary and Family Listing Harry C. Barnett, 81, of rural Iola, died Saturday at the Nesho County Memorial Hospital in Chanute. Born on a farm east of the Prairie Dell School. Mr. Barnett was in the creamery business in Chanute and Nevada, Mo., for many years. He retired about 16 years ago and returned to the Barnett farm where he was born. Survivors include his widow of the home; two brothers, Elmer of lola and Ralph of Wichita; and a sister. Mrs. Paul Mc-Kinney of Calimesa, Calif. Funeral services will be at 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Skinner Memorial Chanel in Chanute. Burial will be in the Elmwood Cemetery there.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Chester Ralph Barnett
September 24, 1888136Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States1May 13, 19725283Kansas, United States-Unknown
Elmer Alfred Barnett
October 21, 1880144Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States0February 28, 19675786Kansas, United States-Unknown
Florence W Barnett
Florence W McKinney
June 1, 1891133Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States4July 6, 19883697Los Angeles, California, United States-Unknown
Harry Clay Barnett
October 16, 1883141Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States4March 13, 19655981Kansas, United States-Unknown
Paul Burkett McKinney
March 11, 1890134Iola, Allen, Kansas, United States4January 3, 19725381San Bernardino, California, United States-Unknown
Orleatha M Williamson
Orleatha M Barnett
January 15, 1892133Neosho, Kansas, United States0November 30, 19764884Chanute, Neosho, Kansas, United States-Unknown