Felix S Coble Obituary and Family Listing
Shared note | Felix S Coble Obituary and Family Listing
Felix S. Coble, clerk of Frankfort since Jan. 1, 1918, died at 8 o'clock last night at the Emergency hospital. Death was due to pneumonia following an illness of twelve days. Mr. Coble was first taken ill of influenza, and this developed into pneumonia. He had been unconscious for the past 48 hours and his death had been momentarily expected. The body was removed to the Gard undertaking parlors from where the funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Burial will be made in the Bunnell cemetery.
Felix Sandham Coble, the son of A. H. and Emma Coble, was born in Frankfort on Oct. 16, 1887. He graduated from the local high school in 1906 and later studied medicine at Indiana university.
In 1910 he took employment as a conductor with the McKinley Traction Co., of Illinois, where he served for nearly three years after which he was married to Miss Leon G. Shilling of Lincoln, Ill. Mr. Coble remained with the McKinley system for nearly three years after which he resigned his position and removed to Frankfort where he became yardmaster's clerk of the Clover Leaf railroad company. He left the services of the company in December 1917, to assume the office of city clerk to which position he was elected by the republicans of Frankfort on Nov. 6, 1917.
Mr. Coble took his office on Jan. 1, 1918, and had served slightly more than one year when he was taken ill.
He was a member of the Sigma Chi fraternity and of the Methodist Episcopal church of this city. He is survived by his father, A. H. Coble, and his wife. His mother died in February 1916. He also leaves two brothers, Major Paul B. Coble, stationed at Baune, France, and Valen A. Coble, of the U. S. marines who also is believed to be in France.
The deceased was a young man of sterling character and had many friends who will be grieved to learn of his death.
-- Margaret Weaver Scrapbook
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/255646821/felix-sandham-coble |
Given names | Surname | Sosa | Birth | Place | Death | Age | Place | Last change | ||||||||
Emily Isadora “Emma” Barnett Emily Isadora Coble | about 1856 | 169 | Indiana, United States | 3 | February 23, 1916 | 108 | 60 | Converse, Miami, Indiana, United States | -Unknown | F | YES | YES | ||||
Dr Albert Henry Coble | May 4, 1855 | 169 | Carroll, Indiana, United States | 3 | November 8, 1935 | 89 | 80 | Frankfort, Clinton, Indiana, United States | -Unknown | M | YES | Y100 | ||||
Felix Sandham Coble | October 16, 1887 | 137 | Frankfort, Clinton, Indiana, United States | 0 | January 13, 1919 | 106 | 31 | Frankfort, Clinton, Indiana, United States | -Unknown | M | YES | YES | ||||
Paul Barnett Coble | May 15, 1883 | 141 | Frankfort, Clinton, Indiana, United States | 0 | May 11, 1919 | 105 | 35 | Gondrecourt-le-Château, Meuse, Lorraine, France | -Unknown | M | YES | YES | ||||
Valentine Albert Coble | September 29, 1892 | 132 | Frankfort, Clinton, Indiana, United States | 1 | November 1976 | 48 | 84 | New Jersey, United States | -Unknown | M | YES | Y100 | ||||
Leone Gwendolen Shilling Leone Gwendolen Coble | August 17, 1887 | 137 | Lincoln, Logan, Illinois, United States | 0 | December 8, 1964 | 60 | 77 | Lincoln, Illinois, United States | -Unknown | F | YES | Y100 | R |