The Shemwell Family

Lillian May Bruce (nee Foster) Obituary and Family Listing

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Lillian May Bruce (nee Foster) Obituary and Family Listing Mrs. J. L. HOESEL of near Leiters Ford has received word of the death of Mrs. Lillian BRUCE, which occurred Thursday morning at her residence in Crown Point, Ind. Mrs. Bruce was the wife of Otto J. BRUCE, former resident of Aubbeenaubbee township. The couple celebrated their 54th wedding anniversary last May 16. Funeral services were held in Crown Point Sunday and burial was made in a Crown Point cemetery.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Elizabeth Louisa Ashby
Elizabeth Louisa Foster
October 23, 1849175Parkersburg, Montgomery, Indiana, United States1December 4, 19368887Ladoga, Montgomery, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Cora Vell Bruce
Cora Vell Hoesel
October 16, 1876148Fulton, Indiana, United States2November 12, 19665890Fulton, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Dorothy Louise Bruce
Dorothy Louise Schlegel
February 16, 1910114Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, United States3February 13, 20012390Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Leone Elizabeth Bruce
Leone Elizabeth Martin
February 3, 1897128Indiana, United States1June 24, 192110324Winamac, Pulaski, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Otto Foster Bruce
April 7, 1895129Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, United States3July 6, 19428247Gary, Lake, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Otto James Bruce
October 25, 1870154Center, Lake, Indiana, United States5December 30, 19547084Crawfordsville, Montgomery, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Robert Wallace Bruce
April 7, 1900124Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, United States2July 29, 19784678Colorado Springs, El Paso, Colorado, United States-Unknown
James W Foster
January 2, 1847178Parkersburg, Montgomery, Indiana, United States1April 8, 19329285Ladoga, Montgomery, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Lillian May Foster
Lillian May Bruce
November 15, 1872152Montgomery, Indiana, United States5January 2, 19477874Crown Point, Lake, Indiana, United States-Unknown
John Lewis Hoesel
May 7, 1880144Monterey, Pulaski, Indiana, United States2March 1, 19576776South Bend, St. Joseph, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Carol Jean Martin
June 15, 1921103Indiana, United States0May 14, 2020498Greenwood, Wells, Indiana, United States-Unknown