Jane Ann Smith (nee Troutman) Obituary and Family Listing
Shared note | Jane Ann Smith (nee Troutman) Obituary and Family Listing
SMITH — At Maple City, Kas, May 25th,
1903, of dropsy of the heart, Jane, wife of
Oscar E. Smith, aged 75 years.
Mrs. Smith was visiting relatives at the
time of her death. Her maiden name was
Jane Troutman. She came to Kansas twenty-one years
ago from Macon county, Ill., and resided in
this county afterwards.
An aged husband and five children survive
her. The children are Mrs. Sarah Cain,
of Brazilton; Henry H. Smith, of Pitts-
burg; Mrs. Dora Heizer, of South Haven,
Kas.; Mrs. Mary Ryan, of Fredonia, and
John E. Smith, of Girard.
Her remains were brought to Girard far
interment, the funeral taking place at 10
o’clock Wednesdday, Rev. B. F. Thomas
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/95135136/jane-ann-smith |