Oscar E Smith Obituary and Family Listing
Shared note | Oscar E Smith Obituary and Family Listing
Oscar E. Smith was born in Mont-
gomery County, Kentucky, October 2,
1826, and died in Girard, Kansas,
Julv 22, 1911, aged 84 years, 9 months
and 20 days. When a small boy his
parents moved to Fulton County, In-
diana. He moved to Decatur, Illinois,
in 1867, and then to Kansas in 1881,
locating on a farm near McCune. In
1883 he moved to Brazilton, Kansas,
where be resided until March, 1911,
when he came to Girard with his
daughter and husband. His wife died
8 years ago, He was married to Jane
Troutman in 1848. To this union
eleven children were born, six of
whom have preceded him to the better
land. Those living are Mrs. Sarah
Cain, John E and Henry Smith of
Girard, Mrs. Mary A. Ryan of Fred-
onia and Mrs. Dora Hiser of Chicago,
Ill. One brother and a number of
children are also left to mourn his de-
parture. He was converted and
united with the Christian Church un-
der the preaching of Alexander Camp-
bell, when quite a voung man. The
funeral was held at the Christian
Church yesterday at 10 o'clock a. m.,
conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. W.
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/95135119/oscar-e-smith |