The Shemwell Family

Oscar E Smith Obituary and Family Listing

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Oscar E Smith Obituary and Family Listing Oscar E. Smith was born in Mont- gomery County, Kentucky, October 2, 1826, and died in Girard, Kansas, Julv 22, 1911, aged 84 years, 9 months and 20 days. When a small boy his parents moved to Fulton County, In- diana. He moved to Decatur, Illinois, in 1867, and then to Kansas in 1881, locating on a farm near McCune. In 1883 he moved to Brazilton, Kansas, where be resided until March, 1911, when he came to Girard with his daughter and husband. His wife died 8 years ago, He was married to Jane Troutman in 1848. To this union eleven children were born, six of whom have preceded him to the better land. Those living are Mrs. Sarah Cain, John E and Henry Smith of Girard, Mrs. Mary A. Ryan of Fred- onia and Mrs. Dora Hiser of Chicago, Ill. One brother and a number of children are also left to mourn his de- parture. He was converted and united with the Christian Church un- der the preaching of Alexander Camp- bell, when quite a voung man. The funeral was held at the Christian Church yesterday at 10 o'clock a. m., conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. W. McLaughlin.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
William P Cain
1851174Alabama, United States0-Unknown
Daniel P Hizer
Daniel P Heiser
1857168Indiana, United States3191111454Wilson, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Mary Ann Lockhart
Mary Ann Smith
May 7, 1807217Kentucky, United States2January 26, 187315265Fulton, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Daniel Laurence Ryan
September 16, 1853171Ontario, Canada0May 14, 190412050Fredonia, Crawford, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Columbia Smith
Clarinda Smith
1858167Indiana, United States0before 1903
before 1903
Dora Alice Smith
Dora Alice Downs
Dora Alice Hizer
April 1865159Indiana, United States3November 17, 19428277Oklahoma, United States-Unknown
Henry H Smith
about 1855170Indiana, United States0after 191111456-Unknown
Henry Hardin Smith
May 3, 1799225Kentucky, United States2between 1860 and 187016560Fulton, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Isabele Smith
1866159Indiana, United States0before 190312237-Unknown
John Edward Smith
January 23, 1863162Logansport, Cass, Indiana, United States519359071Girard, Crawford, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Mary A Smith
Mary A Palmer
Mary A Ryan
December 11, 1856168Indiana, United States1June 18, 19289671Fredonia, Wilson, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Oscar E Smith
October 2, 1825199Montgomery, Kentucky, United States7July 22, 191111385Girard, Crawford, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Sarah J Smith
Sarah J Cain
1849176Indiana, United States0192210373Cowley, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Jane Ann Troutman
Jane Ann Smith
March 1827197Bartholomew, Indiana, United States7May 25, 190312176Girard, Crawford, Kansas, United States-Unknown