Esther M Hollenback (nee Croff) Obituary and Family Listing
Shared note | Esther M Hollenback (nee Croff) Obituary and Family Listing
A memorial service for Esther M. Hollenback, a Gresham resident, will be at 5
p.m. Sunday in Good Shepherd Community Church in Boring. Burial was in Douglass
Cemetery in Troutdale.
She died of congestive heart failure Tuesday in a Gresham care center. Mrs. Hollenback
was 95.
Born April 11, 1896, in Scott County, Michigan, she was raised in Nebraska. Her
Maiden name was Croff. After earning her teaching certificate, she taught school
in Nebraska for several years.
She married Roy L. Hollenback, a pastor and evangelist, on April 28, 1918, in
Boone, Iowa. The couple lived in New York, Massachusetts, Indiana and in California.
Mrs. Hollenback moved to Gresham in 1976. She was a member of Good Shepherd Community
Church. Her husband preceded her in death.
She is survived by her daughters, Miriam Lewis of Bremerton, Washington and Bonnie :
Fiser of Greenwood, Arizona; sons, Dr. C. Byron of Mangum, Oklahoma, Roy Jr. of
McMinnville, David M. of Troutdale and Dwight of Salinas, California; 22 grandchildren,
23 great-—grandchildren and two great-great-—grandchildren.
The family suggests remembrances be contributions to Good Shepherd Community
United States, Obituaries, American Historical Society of Germans from Russia, 1899-2012 |