The Shemwell Family

Arthur G Speacht Obituary and Family Listing

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Arthur G Speacht Obituary and Family Listing REV. ARTHUR G. SPEACHT | Word was received in Cressona over the weekend of the sudden death of Rev. Arthur G. Speacht, 01, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Osburn, Idaho. Death was attributed to a heart ailment. Rev. Speacht was the son of Arthur and Florence Lindermuth Speacht of Cressona. Surviving is his wife; a daugh- ter; two stepdaughters; two step- grandchildren, all of Idaho: three| sisters, Mrs. Dorothy Long, Bal- timore, Md.; Irma, wife of Ar- thur Hawk, North Wales and Claire, wife of Ray Bubeck, Cres- sona., Funeral services were held Tues- day afternoon in Idaho.