Charles Loxterman Obituary and Family Listing
Shared note | Charles Loxterman Obituary and Family Listing
Charlies #. Loxterman, 72, of
928 &t. James Street, who died
Sunday, will be buried tomorrow
in Calvary Cemetery.
His funeral will be from the
Charles A. Lacy Chapel, 5834
Ellsworth Avenue, with requiem
mass in St. Paul's Cathedral at
11 a. m. )
Born in the 6hadyside district.
Mr, Loxterman Was a retired car-
penter and resided from 1906 until
1980 in the West.
He is survived by a son, Lester;
a brother, Joseph, and three sis-
ters, Mrs. M Obermeyer, Mrs.
Annie McQuillen and Mrs. Kath-
erine O'Brien all of Pittsburgh. |