The Shemwell Family

William Edward Pugh Obituary and Family Listing

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William Edward Pugh Obituary and Family Listing William Edward Pugh, 42, ex- tension animal husbandry special- ist for the University of Missouri, collapsed and died Thursday while judging livestock at West Plains. Pugh, apparently the victim of a heart attack, was a judge at the Howell County Heart of the Ozarks Fair. He was pronounced dead on arrival at a hospital. Pugh grew up in Mt. Vernon and was graduated from the Uni- versity of Missouri College of Agriculture in 1937. He worked for the Farm Security Administration until 1942. He became Monroe County farm agent Nov. 1. 1942. and continued in that post until 1951, except for two years of serv- ice in the Navy from 1944 to 1945. He joined the state staff of the extension service at Columbia in 1951. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pugh. 1000 East Loren; his wife, Sue, a daughter, Nancy, and a son, Robert: a broth- er, Col. Robert Pugh, Morristown, N.J.; and his paternal grandmother, Mrs. Mattie Pugh, Mt. Vernon. Services are to be Saturday at 12:30 p.m. in Columbia.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Martha Ellen “Mattie” Cowan
Martha Ellen Pugh
June 1, 1864160Dade, Missouri, United States8April 13, 19646099Lawrence, Missouri, United States-Unknown
Earl Wayne Pugh
February 19, 1888137Dade, Missouri, United States2November 4, 19675779Springfield, Greene, Missouri, United States-Unknown
Robert Johnson Pugh
March 23, 1914110Missouri, United States0April 2, 19923278Lee, Florida, United States-Unknown
William Edward Pugh
December 26, 1915109Randolph, Missouri, United States0September 4, 19586642Missouri, United States-Unknown