The Shemwell Family

Margaret Prudence Baxter Obituary and Family Listing

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Margaret Prudence Baxter Obituary and Family Listing Tyler, Mrs. Nathan, died Jun 30, 1905 at her home 3 miles SW of Tabor at the age of 62y 4m 7d. Miss Amanda Prudence Baxter was born Feb 23, 1843, at Oregon City, Holt County, Missouri. When only a little past 7 years of age, the little girl was left an orphan and lived with her grandmother until coming to Iowa at the age of 12 to live with her aunt Adeline Hindman. After coming to Iowa, however, the subject of this sketch divided her home life with her uncle, M. A. Stevens, Aunt Adeline and others until her first marriage. On Oct 22, 1863, Miss Baxter married Wesley Woodrum, and for about 5 years thereafter, lived in the neighborhood west of Thurman. They then bought the farm and built the home in which they both saw the light of this life go out. To Mr. and Mrs. Woodrum were born two daughters, Mrs. Estella Octava Dyke, who died about 3 years ago, and Mrs. Eurista Elverta Clapper who survives. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrum united with the Church of Christ soon after moving into the present home, and each lived consecrated to the faith until death. On Oct 7, 1878, Mrs. Woodrum was called upon by the Father of us all to give up the companion of her youth, and Wesley Woodrum, by whose side our sister desired to be placed, was laid to rest in the Thurman cemetery. Mrs. Woodrum was married a second time, June 26th, 1889 to Nathan M. Tyler, and they have lived devoted to each other since. Mrs. Tyler has enjoyed comparatively good health until the past four years. The sickness which resulted in her death has been continuous since Mar 1 of this year, and on the morning of Jun 30, 1905, the final summons came and she has gone up higher to be gathered into the harvest of the eternal. The funeral services were held from the late home Saturday by Rev. E. V. McCormick, pastor of the Church of Christ and interment was made in the Thurman cemetery. (Jul 7, 1905 Tabor Beacon -transcribed by Cay Merryman) *Note from contributor: Listed in Fremont Cemetery Book as Prudence Tyler b. 24 May 1835 d. July 1, 1905, first husband is buried in this cemetery.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
George W Baxter
1819206Iowa, United States3186216343Holt, Missouri, United States-Unknown
Margaret Prudence “Amanda” Baxter
Margaret Prudence Woodrum
Margaret Prudence Tyler
February 23, 1843182Oregon, Holt, Missouri, United States2June 30, 190511962Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States-Unknown
George Jacob Clapper
William Burrell Dyke
William Burrell Dike
June 11, 1867157Thurman, Fremont, Iowa, United States5June 23, 19477780Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States-Unknown
Margaret Adeline Stephenson
August 13, 1828196Indiana, United States0August 18, 188014452Iowa, United States-Unknown
Michael Ambrose Stephenson
March 4, 1835189Parke, Indiana, United States0May 2, 192110386Thurman, Fremont, Iowa, United States-Unknown
Susannah Stephenson
1821204Kentucky, United States3185017529Holt, Missouri, United States-Unknown
Rachel Margaret “Peggy” Troutman
Rachel Margaret Stephenson
Rachel Margaret McGee
November 1796228Nelson, Kentucky, United States15November 15, 186416068Thurman, Fremont, Iowa, United States-Unknown
Nathan Monroe Tyler
March 8, 1854170Illinois, United States0March 1, 19299574Stockton, Cedar, Missouri, United States-Unknown
Estella Octava Woodrum
Estella Octava Dyke
September 1, 1872152Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States5July 28, 190112328Oklahoma, United States-Unknown
Eurista Elverda Woodrum
Eurista Elverda Clapper
July 9, 1866158Thurman, Fremont, Iowa, United States0October 24, 191810652Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States-Unknown
Wesley Woodrum
September 2, 1841183Putnam, Indiana, United States2October 7, 187814637Fremont, Iowa, United States-Unknown