The Shemwell Family

Fred C Bicknell Obituary and Family Listing

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Fred C Bicknell Obituary and Family Listing Obit: Council Bluffs Iowa Nonpareil May 12, 1955 TABOR - Funeral services were Wednesday at Reeves Funeral Home for Fred Bicknell, 68, He died Monday at a rest home in Logan. The Rev. William Lee of Christian Church officiated and burial was in Tabor. A resident of Tabor community all his life, Bicknel ils (sic) survived by one brother Tom of Papillion, Neb.; and two sisters, Mrs. Cliff Burson of Thurman and Mrs. Sam Salton, who lived in California.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Fred Clinton Bicknell
September 28, 1885139Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States0May 9, 19556969Logan, Iowa, United States-Unknown
Bertha Luella Dyke
Bertha Luella Bicknell
April 5, 1887137Tabor, Fremont, Iowa, United States0April 16, 19319344Tabor, Mills, Iowa, United States-Unknown