The Shemwell Family

1940 United States - Census transcript - Henry Claude Shemwell - Household

Shared note 1940 United States - Census transcript - Henry Claude Shemwell - Household

US Hwy 45 Graves, Kentucky

Shemwell, H CheadMW56MKYsame houseFarmer OperatorFarm
Shemwell, Alva LXwifeFW53MKYsame house
Shemwell, ClaudinedaughterFW19SKYsame house
Shemwell, Laura JdaughterFW9SKYsame house

Next door to son, William Wood

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Claudine Shemwell
Claudine Powers
November 8, 1920104Graves, Kentucky, United States2October 1, 20032182Mayfield, Graves, Kentucky, United States-Unknown
Henry Claude Shemwell
May 7, 1884140Marshall, Kentucky, United States4February 21, 19675782Benton, Marshall, Kentucky, United States-Unknown
Laura Jean Shemwell
Laura Jean Clopton
April 28, 193193Marshall, Kentucky, United States2January 10, 2018786Jonesboro, Craighead, Arkansas, United States-Unknown
Alva Lou Wood
Alva Lou Shemwell
April 9, 1887137Marshall, Kentucky, United States4September 27, 19665879Benton, Marshall, Kentucky, United States-Unknown