The Shemwell Family

1880 United States - Census transcript - William Alexander Shemwell - Household

Shared note 1880 United States - Census transcript - William Alexander Shemwell - Household

Benton, Marshall, Kentucky

Shemwell, William AWM29headMYFarmingKYNCTN
Shemwell, MarthaWF19wifeMYKeeping HouseKYKYKY

Next door to William P Shemwell

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Martha Caroline “Mattie” Holmes
Martha Caroline Shemwell
Martha Caroline Smith
Martha Caroline Travis
October 2, 1860164Marshall, Kentucky, United States0August 19, 191910558Marshall, Kentucky, United States-Unknown
William Alexander Shemwell
May 11, 1850174Kentucky, United States0November 17, 188713737Shemwell Cemetery, Oak Level, Marshall, Kentucky, United States-Unknown