The Shemwell Family

1910 United States - Census transcript - William Lafayette Thompson - Household

Shared note 1910 United States - Census transcript - William Lafayette Thompson - Household

Buffalo, Newton, Missouri

Thompson, William LheadMW62M137MOKYKYFarmerGeneral Farm
Thompson, Sarah AwifeFW52M137118OHOHOH
Thompson, Mabel LdaughterFW11SMOMOOH
Manning, Dora Agrand daughterFW13SMOMOMO

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Sarah A Adams
Sarah A Thompson
April 1856168Ohio, United States819289671Kansas, United States-Unknown
Dorothy A “Dora” Manning
about 1897127Missouri, United States0-Unknown
Mabel Lafe Thompson
Mabel Lafe Williams
July 1898126Missouri, United States019844085Johnson County Chapel and Memorial Gardens, Overland Park, Johnson, Kansas, United States-Unknown
William Lafayette Thompson
February 1848176Newton, Missouri, United States8July 10, 192110373Kansas City, Kansas, United States-Unknown