The Shemwell Family

The 1910 Census states that Claude and Ressie Thomas had 3 children with all 3 still living. This w…

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The 1910 Census states that Claude and Ressie Thomas had 3 children with all 3 still living. This would document Vera Oma, Henry Oliver, and Grace Maude Thomas; however, the children at not specifically listed in the 1910 Census.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Ressie Leona Fowler
Ressie Leona Thomas
September 6, 1885139Leoti, Wichita, Kansas, United States7November 18, 19566871Los Angeles, California, United States-Unknown
Claude Henry Thomas
July 10, 1881143Kentucky, United States7January 9, 19368954Butler, Kansas, United States-Unknown