Lillie May Cox Obituary and Family Listing
Shared note | Lillie May Cox Obituary and Family Listing
Wichita Eagle, Sunday, January 12, 1958, Page 3A
Lifelong Resident Of Area, 58, Dies On Coast Visit
Mrs. Lillie Hatfield, 58, of 4120 E. Clark, died Saturday in North Ridge, Calif., where she was visiting a son.
A lifelong resident of this area, she was born Feb. 25, 1899, in Belle Plaine.
Survivors include her husband, George, an employe at Wichita Municipal Airport; a daughter, Mrs. Wanda Zahourek, Sacramento, Calif.; four sons, Wayne L., North Ridge, George Jr., 2657 S. Mead, Leslie, 1718 S. Poplar, and Lawrence, of the home; three sisters, Mrs. Earl Drummond, 705 E. 57th South, and Mrs. Elizabeth Terhune, and Mrs. Della Davis, both of Spivey, Kan.; a brother, Sam Cox, 822 Coolidge; and 14 grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Wednesday in Broadway Mortuary. The Rev. Leslie F. Toburen, Grace Methodist Church, will officiate.
Burial will be in White Chapel Memorial Gardens Cemetery. |