The Shemwell Family

Lillie May Cox Obituary and Family Listing

Shared note
Lillie May Cox Obituary and Family Listing Wichita Eagle, Sunday, January 12, 1958, Page 3A Lifelong Resident Of Area, 58, Dies On Coast Visit Mrs. Lillie Hatfield, 58, of 4120 E. Clark, died Saturday in North Ridge, Calif., where she was visiting a son. A lifelong resident of this area, she was born Feb. 25, 1899, in Belle Plaine. Survivors include her husband, George, an employe at Wichita Municipal Airport; a daughter, Mrs. Wanda Zahourek, Sacramento, Calif.; four sons, Wayne L., North Ridge, George Jr., 2657 S. Mead, Leslie, 1718 S. Poplar, and Lawrence, of the home; three sisters, Mrs. Earl Drummond, 705 E. 57th South, and Mrs. Elizabeth Terhune, and Mrs. Della Davis, both of Spivey, Kan.; a brother, Sam Cox, 822 Coolidge; and 14 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Wednesday in Broadway Mortuary. The Rev. Leslie F. Toburen, Grace Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in White Chapel Memorial Gardens Cemetery.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Della G Cox
Della G Davis
October 1904120Kansas, United States0December 28, 19655961Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Edna V Cox
Edna V Randall
Edna V Battles
Edna V Drummond
March 10, 1895129Belle Plaine, Sumner, Kansas, United States1October 8, 19814386Kansas, United States-Unknown
Elizabeth Dortha Cox
Elizabeth Dortha Terhune
Elizabeth Dortha Kelley
Elizabeth Dortha Ingram
March 13, 1901123Sumner, Kansas, United States0September 11, 19853984Kansas, United States-Unknown
Lillie May Cox
Lillie May Hatfield
February 25, 1898126Belle Plaine, Sumner, Kansas, United States5January 11, 19586759Northridge, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, United States-Unknown
Earl Drummond
May 4, 1897127Pittsburg, Crawford, Kansas, United States0June 26, 19606463Kansas, United States-Unknown
George Milton Hatfield
August 9, 1892132Oxford, Sumner, Kansas, United States5August 19814388Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, United States-Unknown
George Milton Hatfield Jr
October 17, 1922102Kansas, United States0January 31, 20151092Winfield, Cowley, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Lawrence Leon Hatfield
December 18, 192995Kansas, United States0March 30, 20081678Wichita, Sedgwick, Kansas, United States-Unknown
Leslie Warren Hatfield
October 8, 1924100Kansas, United States0November 1, 19824258Kansas, United States-Unknown
Wanda Belle Hatfield
June 24, 1920104Belle Plaine, Sumner, Kansas, United States0May 31, 19982677Sacramento, Sacramento, California, United States-Unknown
Wayne Lamoine Hatfield
December 24, 1917107Kansas, United States0November 12, 20002482Howard, Elk, Kansas, United States-Unknown
William Harvey Terhune
July 25, 1919105Gravette, Benton, Arkansas, United States0July 27, 19537134Kingman, Kansas, United States-Unknown