The Shemwell Family

Charles Stephen Troutman Obituary and Family Listing

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Charles Stephen Troutman Obituary and Family Listing Charles S. Troutman, 71, of rural route 3, died in his home at 4:30 a. m. yesterday. He was born in Harristown township on Oct. 2, 1873, the son of. Joseph W. and Nancy Ann Cox Troutman. Mr. Troutman was a farmer and auctioneer. He was a member of the Sharon Methodist church. On Oct. 20, 1908 he married Miss Bertha H. Goodrich. He leaves his wife; two sons. Earl B., Madison, Wis, Howard, rural route 3. Decatur; one daughter, Mrs. Mary E. Perry, Chicago, Ill., a granddaughter. Helen T. Landacre and a niece, Helen Goodrich, both of whom live at the Troutman home. Two brothers, Elmer and J. H. Troutman, both of rural route 3. Funeral services will be held at 1:30 p. m. tomorrow in the Dawson & Wikoff funeral home. Burial will be in Harristown cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home after 12 p. m. today. Published in the Herald and Review (Decatur, IL) on Monday, September 10, 1945.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Nancy Ann Cox
Nancy Ann Troutman
Nancy Ann Morrison
August 13, 1850174Macon, Illinois, United States8February 23, 190212251Webster City, Hamilton, Iowa, United States-Unknown
Katie E Glynn
Katie E Troutman
June 11, 1872152St. Louis, Missouri, United States4May 18, 190711734Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Bertha Helen Goodrich
Bertha Helen Troutman
October 1, 1882142Waynesville, DeWitt, Illinois, United States0May 8, 19636180Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Carl J Troutman
April 29, 1905119Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States0July 10, 191810613Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Charles Stephen Troutman
October 2, 1872152Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States4September 9, 19457972Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Earl Bert Troutman
September 20, 1895129Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States1May 23, 19745078Ozaukee, Wisconsin, United States-Unknown
Elmer “Stack” Troutman
February 7, 1870154Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States6November 11, 19556985Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Helen Irene Troutman
February 21, 1923101Troy, Wright, Iowa, United States0December 29, 19913368Nueces, Texas, United States-Unknown
Howard John Troutman
August 26, 1897127Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States0April 25, 19725274Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Jacob Howard Troutman
1882143Macon, Illinois, United States1June 22, 19507468Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Joseph W “Jake” Troutman
April 1, 1841183Fulton, Indiana, United States7November 22, 188414043Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Mary Elizabeth Troutman
Mary Elizabeth White
Mary Elizabeth Perry
January 26, 1899126Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States0April 21, 19814382Princeton, Bureau, Illinois, United States-Unknown