The Shemwell Family

Zillah Copeland Obituary and Family Listing

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Zillah Copeland Obituary and Family Listing Illinois Deaths and Stillbirths, 1916-1947 Name: Zillah Copeland Name Note: 3y residence in city where death occurred. Sex: Female Age: 31y 8m 21d Occupation: At Home Race: White Father's Name: Wilbur R. Copeland Mother's Name: Elizabeth Moss Event Type: Death Event Date: 21 Aug 1928 Event Place: Decatur, Macon, Illinois Birth Date: 30 Nov 1896 Birth Year (Estimated): 1897 Birthplace: Blue Mound, Macon, Illinois Burial Date: 23 Aug 1928 Burial Place: Blue Mound, Macon, Illinois Cemetery: Hall Father's Birthplace: Hillsboro, West Virginia Mother's Birthplace: Shelby Co., Illinois Residence Place: Blue Mound, Macon, Illinois Spouse's Name: Howard Frontueau (Troutman)
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Zillah Elizabeth Copeland
Zillah Elizabeth Troutman
November 30, 1896128Illinois, United States0August 21, 19289631Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Howard John Troutman
August 26, 1897127Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States0April 25, 19725274Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown