Katie E Troutman (nee Glynn) Obituary and Family Listing
Shared note | Katie E Troutman (nee Glynn) Obituary and Family Listing
Charles S. Troutman and Katie E. Glynn were married March 1, 1894 in Macon Co., IL. Charles and Katie had 4 children: Earl B., Howard John, Mary Elizabeth, and Carl J.
MRS. TROUTMAN DIES SUDDENLY // Before Her Friends Knew Her Condition
Mrs. Charles Troutman died at 11:25 Saturday night at her home, six miles west of Decatur, on the Mt. Pulaski road. Her death was wholly unexpected and was a great shock to her relatives and friends. She was only taken ill Friday. Saturday a physician was called from Decatur and he pronounced her case peritonitis and said she was a very sick woman, but he did not think her case critical. Saturday night she grew steadly and rapidly worse. She was dying almost before her friends knew her condition was serious. Mrs. Troutman was 35 years old and was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Glynn of Princeton, Ill. Besides her husband and four children, three sons and a daughter, the oldest 12 and the youngest 2 years, she is survived by her parents and three sisters, Mrs. Kiehier and Miss Julia Glynn, all of Princeton. Mrs. Troutman was widely known and had a host of friends.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), May 19, 1907, pg2
The funeral of Mrs. Charles S. Troutman will be held at 2:30 Tuesday afternoon from the Methodist church at Harristown. The interment will be at Harristown cemetery. The funeral procession will leave the Troutman residence at 2 p.m.
The Daily Review (Decatur, Illinois), May 20, 1907, pg10
https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/38306801/katie_e_troutman |