The Shemwell Family

Asa Gulick Obituary and Family Listing

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Asa Gulick Obituary and Family Listing Decatur Herald 1/13/1918 Asa Gulick aged 70 years a farmer living seven miles northwest of Decatur who was attacked by hogs Friday afternoon after having fallen into the lot,following an attack of apoplexy died in St.Marys hospital early Saturday morning without having recovered consciousness. Mr. Gulick had gone into the lot as was his usual custom early Friday evening to feed the animals when he was stricken with apoplexy.As he lay on the cement floor which covered the feeding lot the hogs attacked him, tearing the flesh from his fingers and hands and badly lacerating his left side. Mrs. Gulick went into the lot after her husband had been gone about half an hour and found the animals fighting over his body. She had great difficulty in driving them away but finally succeeded after throwing feed to them in another part of the pen. Mr. Gulick was rushed to St. Marys hospital in the Moran ambulance which was on the road for more than five hours fighting the drifts which covered the wheels of the ambulance. The exposure, the attack of the hogs and the apoplexy were more than a man of Mr. Gulicks advanced age could withstand and he died a few hours after reaching the hospital. Mr.Gulick was one of the best known farmers in Macon county, having lived in the county for 69 years. He was born near the present home, Jan. 8, 1848. Mr. Gulick was a member of the Sharon Methodist church for many years and was well known and well liked. He leaves his wife and two sons, John B. Gulick of Bearsdale, a grain buyer and O.R.Gulick a farmer living in Illini township. The body was taken to the Dawson undertaking establishment and prepared for burial. Definite funeral arrangements will not be annoucded until the weather moderates.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Asa Gulick
January 8, 1849175Illinois, United States2January 12, 191810669Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
John Burton Gulick
July 2, 1874150Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States5May 25, 19289653Decatur, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Oran Randle Gulick
July 29, 1880144Illini, Macon, Illinois, United States3September 28, 19438163Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown
Julia Troutman
Julia Gulick
March 26, 1852172Fulton, Indiana, United States2July 9, 19339181Harristown, Macon, Illinois, United States-Unknown