Archibald Cosby Obituary and Family Listing
The Madison Republican & Banner
18 June 1835
CHOLERA-- It becomes our painful duty today to announce the existence and progress of the Cholera in Madison. It made the appearance on Wednesday last, when Mr. and Mrs. Meek, two of our oldest citizens, were attacked; they died on Thursday. On Friday, Mrs. --- Black was attacked, and died on Saturday. On Saturday, John Castlen was attacked, and died in about eight hours. No cases occurred on Sunday and Monday, and we flattered overselves that this terrible disease had ceased its ravages. But on Monday night it appeared in a more malignant form that it had ever visited us before. No deaths occurred until Tuesday morning, since which time, up to 7 o'clock Wednesday morning, there have been 14 deaths. The following, we believe is a correct list of those who have died since its first appearance:
On Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Meek
" Saturday, John Castlen, Mrs. Black
" Tuesday, up to seven o'clock Wednesday morning, Mr. (Wm.) White, Archibald Causby, and daughter , Samuel Wells, Mrs. Richards, Miss Shannon, James H. Wallace, two children of John Coffman's, Wm. Smith, Jas. W. Guthrie, Mrs. Gavit, Mrs. Bergen and son, a girl at J.G. Moore's, name unknown, making the number who have died since its first appearance, nineteen.
Since writing the above, we have heard of two deaths, Mrs. (Sam'l Wells, and a child of Mrs. Barnum. There are no (Thursday morning,) but one or two more cases which, it is feared with terminate fatally.