The Shemwell Family

Malinda Troutman Birth Mother

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Malinda Troutman Birth Mother Based on a careful review of Census records dating from 1850 to 1910, I conclude that Malinda Troutman was of "Mulatto" heritage. This suggests that her father, Peter Troutman, had a relationship with possibly a Negro slave on his farm. This relationship, which resulted in the birth of Malinda Troutman, occurred after Peter's wife Margaret Duncan died and before he married Catherine Spurgeon in early 1798. Malinda could have been as early 1797 or in mid 1798. At the time of this analysis, her birth mother is unknown. Peter Troutman married Margaret Duncan on September 4, 1790. She later died on November 17, 1796. Their marriage resulted in four children: Michael, Rebecca, James, and Rachel. Census records show that Michael was listed as "White" in the 1850 which suggests that the entire family was "White". Peter subsequently married Catherine Spurgeon on Jan 15, 1798. This family consisted of eight children: John, William, Eli, Cynthia, Hiram, Amanda, Greenup, and Alvin. The 1850 Census records indicate the following children were "White": John, William, Eli, Cynthia, Hiram, and Alvin. The only birth record we have for Malinda Troutman is from the 1850 Census. In that record, she and five of her children (Sarah, James, John, Joseph, and Mary) are listed as "Mulatto". Further, subsequent Census records for several of her children (James, daughter Malinda, John, and Joseph) list either a "Black" or "Mulatto" heritage.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Peter Trautmann
Peter Troutman
February 9, 1769255Middletown, Frederick, Maryland, United States16April 12, 183618867Columbus, Bartholomew, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Malinda Troutman
Malinda Cosby
about 1798226Virginia, United States12September 2, 185716759Jefferson, Indiana, United States-Unknown