The Shemwell Family

Dennis A Wilson Obituary and Family Listing

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Dennis A Wilson Obituary and Family Listing Published in the Rochester(IN) Sentinel, Thursday, August 24, 1989 D. Arthur WILSON, 69, Rt. 1, Kewanna, died at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday at his home. Born Oct. 17, 1919 in Kewanna to Hugh H. and Zora NEFF WILSON, he married Lois FELDER Aug. 8, 1942 in Savannah, Ga. She survives. A retired teacher, he had worked at Laketon High School and the Grass Creek-Fulton School. He was band director and guidance counselor at Bremen High School from 1947 to 1970. He was a member of the ISTA and the NEA. He was director of the Kewanna Harvestaires, a member and choir director at Kewanna United Methodist Church, and Rochester Lodge No. 79 F&AM. He served in the U.S. Army during WWII. Surviving with his wife are one son, Dennis A. [WILSON], Greensburg; one daughter, Denilyn VanGUNDY, Norman, Okla; two brothers, Robert [WILSON], Hudson, Fla., and Gene [WILSON], Indianapolis; and four grandchildren. Services will be at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Kewanna United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Brian TON officiating. Burial will be at the I.O.O.F.-Citizens Cemetery, Kewanna. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Friday at the Harrison-Metzger Funeral Home, Kewanna, and for an hour before services Saturday at the church. Memorials may be made to the Kewanna United Methodist Church. SOURCE:
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Zora Arleen Neff
Zora Arleen Wilson
March 23, 1896128Rochester, Fulton, Indiana, United States3March 9, 19883691Rochester, Fulton, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Dennis Arthur Wilson Sr
October 17, 1919105Indiana, United States0August 23, 19893569Indiana, United States-Unknown
Hugh Harrison Wilson
May 3, 1890134Fulton, Indiana, United States3December 23, 19745084Breman, Marshall, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Louis Gene Wilson
February 20, 193886Indiana, United States0April 22, 20002462Indiana, United States-Unknown
Robert Wendell “Bob” Wilson
January 2, 1918107Indiana, United States0February 9, 20012483Hudson, Pasco, Florida, United States-Unknown