The Shemwell Family

Merl C Carter Obituary and Family Listing

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Merl C Carter Obituary and Family Listing Merl C. Carter HAMLET Merl C. Carter, 70, of Rt. 1, died Tuesday in his home. He was born on Nov. 11, 1911. in Fulton County. On Feb. 19, 1931, in Kewanna, he married Blanche Marie Jones, who survives. Other survivors include a son, Gerald (Jack) of Union Mills; three grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. He was retired as a security officer for the Indiana State Prison, Michigan City. Services were in the Weaver Funeral Home. Rev. David Hogsett, pastor of the Hanna United Methodist Church, officiating.
Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Gerald Lee “Jack” Carter
July 27, 193193Lucerne, Cass, Indiana, United States0February 27, 2015983LaPorte, LaPorte, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Merl Cephus Carter
November 10, 1911113Wayne, Fulton, Indiana, United States1April 27, 19824270Hamlet, Starke, Indiana, United States-Unknown
Blanch Marie Jones
Blanch Marie Carter
September 17, 1912112Wayne, Fulton, Indiana, United States1March 20, 19972784Michigan City, LaPorte, Indiana, United States-Unknown