The Shemwell Family

1940 United States - Census transcript - Olaf Clayton Phillips - Household

Shared note 1940 United States - Census transcript - Olaf Clayton Phillips - Household

Highland Lick Road Todd, Kentucky

Phillips, ClaytonXheadMW33MKYSame PlaceFarm LaborerFarm
Phillips, EuliswifeFW31MKYSame Place

Next door to Homer Shemwell -b

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Eulis Mallory
Eulis Phillips
February 4, 1909116Todd, Kentucky, United States1September 5, 19943085Todd, Kentucky, United States-Unknown
Olaf Clayton Phillips
November 5, 1906118Todd, Kentucky, United States1July 15, 19586651Todd, Kentucky, United States-Unknown