The Shemwell Family

1940 United States - Census transcript - Vincent Marmaduke Shemwell - Household

Shared note 1940 United States - Census transcript - Vincent Marmaduke Shemwell - Household

Competition and Nebo Road Gasconade, Laclede, Missouri

Shemwell, VincentheadMW41MMORLacledeMOFarmerFarm
Shemwell, AdawifeFW45MMORCarbonMO

Given names Surname Sosa Birth Place Death Age Place Last change
Ada Elizabeth Graven
Ada Elizabeth Shemwell
October 4, 1893131Missouri, United States0April 13, 199529101Wright, Minnesota, United States-Unknown
Vincent Bryan Shemwell
Vincent Marmaduke Shemwell
July 2, 1898126Competition, Laclede, Missouri, United States0February 24, 19893590Columbia, Boone, Missouri, United States-Unknown